For a man who, according to the Democratic Party, has “no chance” of becoming president, liberal politicians sure are using up a lot of time and energy campaigning against Donald Trump.
The president himself is even in on the action, and intends on stepping up his efforts in a big way.
While support for Trump is on the rise in America despite Democrats’ best efforts, Obama will soon be campaigning against Donald Trump outside of The Unites States. It seems, if they can’t stop his assent at home, they’ll at least try to keep his support from reaching outside our borders.
Given their horrible track record of stopping Trump so far in the United States, international audiences may be their only chance left to take down their biggest GOP threat. Of course, the popularity of Donald overseas doesn’t matter, but it at least would give the Democrats campaign footage to use against Donald in a primary. Remember, similar tactics were used to prove Obama’s celebrity in Berlin in 2008.
Given how Trump’s primary victory is becoming more likely with every passing day, this may be the first in a long list of moves against trump in the general election.
Check out Obama plan to campaign against Trump in the next page:
Again Obama is carrying all of what he thinks is wrong with the US, or that he dislikes in the US overseas and to the UN. Those people have no power or say about or Government. All it does is to make them respect us less.
Obama filled one unilateral promise made in Germany. He brought refugees to the West. Why didn’t any Muslim countries keep them?
POS Wont take the fight here because he knows AMERICAS Tired of his lies
I wonder if Mr. Obama realizes that he is hated more over seas than in the4 USA?
Coward knows no one will listen to him here, Let us hope he makes a stop over in Turkey
His Communist and Islamic friends will show up/
Obama has his nerve after degrading America when speaking in another foreign land.
You see he must be stopped , he is not bought and paid for by Saudi Arabia , like others involved in the race .
Obama has degraded his own country so how can any country ever believe him. Most know he is sympathetic to terrorist countries.
He’s not in the race!!