In theory, Obama’s supporters all realize he supports complete citizen control (also known as gun control), but they also tend to believe they are above the law, just like their messiah.
Intrusive background checks, gun registration, and other such socialist endeavors are all for the peasants, not for the prez and his supporters, so maybe this gun shop sign will drive away some customers.
But probably not.
Check out the tweet below and tell us what you think!
Can I get an AMEN?
— Tactical Firearms (@tacticalfirearm) June 4, 2014
i think we should trade obama to i would trade him for a skunk
If race is all that matters to the democrats then lets see them put Dr. Ben Carson or Judge Andrew Napalatano in office.
hell yes
Just think, next election they can vote him in as THEIR president then they won’t have to sneak across the border anymore!
Too funny
What are their operating hours and do they take VISA?
AMEN! How fast can we broker this MUCH NEEDED TRADE!?! The TYRANT/TERRORIST Barry HUSSEIN o. would LOVE it there! Isn’t his DRUG CARTEL there!?! YES, YES, THAT’S WHAT I THOUGHT. (A drug cartel here, a mob connection there, terrorist, tyrant, everything EVIL!…HUSSEIN HAS/IS ALL THAT!)
Trade him for .22 rimfire ammo..
Amen and we will give them Reid and Pelosi as a gift.
If we got rid of Obama now, we would be stuck with Biden, that’s akin to having a dog that you can’t house break so you buy a brown rug.