In theory, Obama’s supporters all realize he supports complete citizen control (also known as gun control), but they also tend to believe they are above the law, just like their messiah.
Intrusive background checks, gun registration, and other such socialist endeavors are all for the peasants, not for the prez and his supporters, so maybe this gun shop sign will drive away some customers.
But probably not.
Check out the tweet below and tell us what you think!
Can I get an AMEN?
— Tactical Firearms (@tacticalfirearm) June 4, 2014
True Obama supporters should volunteer to give up all their firearms since they so strongly believe in his policies (crimes)!
I hope Obama gets the c**p kicked out of him along with all who support him. Get out of the US
Hell, I am willing to give him away with no strings attached, please just take him
I know it’s not possible that they will take Moochell also but maybe we can run her across the border.
Wow! Obama supporters buy guns?
Lol some of ur post are so stupid when did Obama ever say he was taking the guns or even say he wanted too??more regulation ya all u rednecks racist don’t know what ur talking about so caught up in hate instead of coming together for the country u decide to just spread hate I’m sure that’s gunna make this country so much better
Actually senate democrats DID say they wanted to take all guns away. And you’re pathetic for calling anyone who doesnt agree with obama racist. YOU’RE the racist for bringing race into it. And as for redneck? I’m a New Yorker,where the state and city take our rights daily. They just banned e cigarettes and want to ban horses as well.
we’ll through in a few extra to Feinstein, Biden, Harry Reid the leader of the dept of justice ;names fail me when I think of these asses but take the whole lot
Why do obama supporters want firearms if they are true supporter? He is fully against their right to keep and bear without infringement so why do they still support Stalin I mean obama.
I’ll bet their business booms –