When it comes to national security, the Obama administration is doing what it does best: stonewalling.
On Monday, Senators’ Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) revealed that they have been urging the administration to release information about 41 foreign-born individuals who entered the United States after being arrested for plotting to commit acts of terror.
Despite the clear threat posed to Americans by these individuals, the White House has refused to provide Congress with any of the information it has requested about them. These 41 would-be terrorists are part of a larger wave of men trying to enter the country with extremist links. At least 113 people who entered the US recently have been directly tied to terrorist activities according to Congress.
Now you would think that any president would be quick to investigate known terrorists trying to enter the country. But instead of apprehending them, the Obama administration has not just permitted them to enter, but has prevented the legislative branch from learning major information about them.
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over 200 jihadist camps ,,this ,,he is a terrorist
Now that he has let in almost 12 out of evert 100 Muslims it won’t be long till he has a brigade of Islamic terrorist to in the country to support his evil plan. Hope this is not too snarky.
I just do not trust this man!
Dumbama does not want his Muslim brothers vetted, investigated or identity know. He probably plans on putting them in his political cabinet if he has not already done so. If he does not cooperate with Congress or any other branch of the government because of his traitorous acts why is he still sitting in the W.H.
Being Black has nothing to with it . It is the Muslim part .You Do Not See Dr. Ben Carsone talking like this, Get Real.
This man is worse then all the killers in getmo why is bama not in jail.
Everything he does scares the hell out of me, he is out to ruin America. Lies, lies
113, number of deception. Mainstream, Green Screen, and Dishonest all equal 113 in Gematria. Bava Kamma 113 says a Jew can circumvent a Gentile using lies and deception.
he don’t want to lose his growing army.