Obama Stonewalls Congress Over Information Regarding 113 Terrorists Inside U.S.

It’s one thing for avowed terrorists to be able to enter the country, but for them to be able to do it completely legally is a travesty of the highest order. This is especially grating as several of them were able to enter after being designated as refugees, validating conservative concerns that Islamic extremists would sneak into the country by posing as migrants.

“Sessions and Cruz note that at least 14 of those foreigners accused of terrorism were granted legal entrance to the United States as refugees.

‘Many more came through other immigration programs,’ they wrote. ‘A number of immigrant terrorists were even approved for citizenship. Others are the U.S.-born children of foreign migrants whose presence in the country would not be possible but for the immigration of their parents.’

Many of these recently implicated foreigners have been caught by authorities planning terrorist attacks on American soil, while others were found to be involved in efforts to provide funding and material to ISIS, according to an internal list of migrant terrorists codified by congressional sources and viewed by the Free Beacon.

Cruz and Sessions are requesting that the agencies in question fill out a chart that includes only partial information about the 113 accused terrorists.

A senior congressional aide familiar with the investigation said the soaring rate of immigration is taking a toll on the U.S. security establishment.

‘The cost of high rates of Muslim immigration are clear: enormous security challenges combined with vast expenses to track and convict those here attempting to wound Americans,’ the source said.

The letter comes amid a debate over immigration and an Obama administration plan to boost the number of refugees granted residence in the United States. Under the administration’s plan, an additional 170,000 new migrants from Muslim-majority countries will enter the country in 2016.”

Source: Free Beacon


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