A life-sized statue of Obama was stolen off the porch of Tiffany Bruce from Wilkes-Barre, PA, who went into such a panic over the theft she had to go to the hospital.
“That statue was actually $1249,” Bruce said. Who also noted it took her months to save up for it.
The statue was later found in a nearby city with an empty bottle of Twisted Tea in its hand, a pack of empty Twisted Tea bottles on the bench next to it and a cigarette in its mouth.
It’s unknown who took the statue.
HA ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Stupid bitch panics over nothing.
This happen in my city!!! Lmfao our town is a safe haven for low life’s from Philly NY and NJ
it took her months to save up enough of her welfare to buy an Obama statue, nice.
I would have started it on fire…..
What kind of nut would want that thing/
She must be on psych-meds…!
Who wants one of Obama I wouldn’t want to Se him he is TRATOR to us and aTerrorist all he loves is the Muslims he he DOSENT belong in our country No Birthcirtificat What is America becoming to to want and let him destroy our country
So sad you only know this now!!!
What a waste of money… I wonder if she used her “change”…
Someone with too much time and Too much money! Gees