A life-sized statue of Obama was stolen off the porch of Tiffany Bruce from Wilkes-Barre, PA, who went into such a panic over the theft she had to go to the hospital.
“That statue was actually $1249,” Bruce said. Who also noted it took her months to save up for it.
The statue was later found in a nearby city with an empty bottle of Twisted Tea in its hand, a pack of empty Twisted Tea bottles on the bench next to it and a cigarette in its mouth.
It’s unknown who took the statue.
She actuallu admits to saving up money to buy this?What a loser!
What a damn fool! Wasted $1200 on a piece of $#%&!@*! I guess there are still more idiots out there than I imagined!!!!!!!!!!!
How much does stupid cost? Evidently just over a grand.
The person who paid the outrageous price for this piece of garbage belongs in the nut house!!!
If she was dumb enough to pay that kind of money for this piece of trash, she needs her head examined. This girl needs help.
should have put him in a golfcart lol
Don’t you wish that was the real Obama, drunk on alcohol instead of power!!!!!
Who would want a statue of a f**e?
What kind of crazy would want Obama’s statute? It’s beyond insane, considering what creep he is. This woman must be senile, delusional and totally insane. She belongs in the nut house.