A life-sized statue of Obama was stolen off the porch of Tiffany Bruce from Wilkes-Barre, PA, who went into such a panic over the theft she had to go to the hospital.
“That statue was actually $1249,” Bruce said. Who also noted it took her months to save up for it.
The statue was later found in a nearby city with an empty bottle of Twisted Tea in its hand, a pack of empty Twisted Tea bottles on the bench next to it and a cigarette in its mouth.
It’s unknown who took the statue.
target practice lol
Who want want a statue of that traitor on there porch. Its not Halloween yet.
with his short around his ankles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would want that.. It would make a great target.. Lol
should of had a golf club in his hand!
Should have been tared and feathered.
To bad it was not the real one. Twisted is a good description of him.
This IDIOT probably paid for the Obama statute with FOOD STAMPS or her WELFARE CHECK (LOL)
He’s in the same pose as the Ronald McDonald statues….