Under the guise of rebuilding trust between cops and their communities, the Obama administration issued a report on Monday stating that state and local police should stop enforcing immigration laws.
The report also recommends cutting back on the transfer of military equipment and weapons into local law enforcement agencies.
So, we are getting less enforcement of immigration laws and a faux curtailing of weapons of war on our streets…all for the purpose of Obama taking over local law enforcement and keeping as many illegal immigrants within our borders as he can.
Yes he is going to create a war and then say he can’t leave because of the distress the country is in.
It will lead to another term for him.
Even though he is going to be in the middle of it.
obama is now a fugitive from justice
More bull
To order law enforcement to not do their jobs and bar them from getting equipment they need is a sad day. Rather than support our police he continues to undermine them and put their lives and ours at risk!
They dont have to obey his Orders !!
Obama is to blame for cops being killed.
We the people are not calling impeachment we don’t see it posted no push back America going
We the people say he is building a Military to take America down we all need to stop playing stupid