Under the guise of rebuilding trust between cops and their communities, the Obama administration issued a report on Monday stating that state and local police should stop enforcing immigration laws.
The report also recommends cutting back on the transfer of military equipment and weapons into local law enforcement agencies.
So, we are getting less enforcement of immigration laws and a faux curtailing of weapons of war on our streets…all for the purpose of Obama taking over local law enforcement and keeping as many illegal immigrants within our borders as he can.
Filthy POS $#%&!@* $#%&!@*.
Better wake up.an not let it happened.
Tell this commie POS to go to hell.
Say what’s on your mind MaryLouise, you racist moron
Federalized law enforcement welcome too GERMANY 1939 $#%&!@*;s S.S and i still think this guy is going to find a loop hole in cons$#%&!@*ution and he would become the KING of America no more presidential election you might be better off living in North Korean
He is killing us from within
He doesn’t care if we are dumb or smart, only that we keep protesting to the point of civil unrest so that he can spend the cons$#%&!@*ution and declare martial law which he will probably do if somebody conservative looks like they are going to win the election. Martial Law, Concentration Camps, Political Prisoners, and the list goes on, oh yes, forced removal of all pistols, rifles, shotguns of Anybody who has purchased same in the past 7 years, NRA members, anybody who has purchased Ammo for any of the above or anybody who registered support for the 2nd Amendment…
Go to. Hell!
And Russian Heavy Bombers armed with atomic weapons fly into U.S. Airspace unchallenged by American military ever since Obama took office !!!