Under the guise of rebuilding trust between cops and their communities, the Obama administration issued a report on Monday stating that state and local police should stop enforcing immigration laws.
The report also recommends cutting back on the transfer of military equipment and weapons into local law enforcement agencies.
So, we are getting less enforcement of immigration laws and a faux curtailing of weapons of war on our streets…all for the purpose of Obama taking over local law enforcement and keeping as many illegal immigrants within our borders as he can.
This is what happens when the Feds get involved in civilian law. They do whatever they want and get away with it.
you got a lot of balls Ovomit…you are a such a hypocrite…transparency my ass
I wish this site would publish some of my comments
The police forces should not have military equipment.
As for not enforcing immigration law, that is just idiotic.
isn’t this an impeachable offense?
Obama is trying to destroy America playing black against white police have no other choice but to try to keep everyone safe black& white people stop and think we are the ones losing
oh my lord , he is such an idiot
Any person or agency that follows him is un American and to be removed.