Under the guise of rebuilding trust between cops and their communities, the Obama administration issued a report on Monday stating that state and local police should stop enforcing immigration laws.
The report also recommends cutting back on the transfer of military equipment and weapons into local law enforcement agencies.
So, we are getting less enforcement of immigration laws and a faux curtailing of weapons of war on our streets…all for the purpose of Obama taking over local law enforcement and keeping as many illegal immigrants within our borders as he can.
Hang this filthy illegal muzzrat for TREASON !!! …III%
This man needs to go. Or Each and every state needs to succeed from the union.
Ovomit only wants them in so they will vote dumbocrats, even tho they ARE ILLEGAL ALIENS
#Trump for President 2016… “Make America Great Again”….
t is time to get this criminal and traitor out of office before he can do any more damage to this country.
It doesn’t have to happen. Congress can have him out of office if they wanted. To this day he has broken enough laws to be thrown in jail. Ask yourself why he hasn’t.
When is someone going to take a stand against Obama. He is not the ruler, stop all the maddness.
paving the way for the Muslim brotherhood
If cops have weapons of war they will be able to put a stop to his terrorist buddies, can’t have that.
Lawless democrats, soon citizens will be the illegals.