Remember Obama’s campaign promises to fundamentally change America? It seems that part of his plan is to literally drop hundreds of refugees into small town America, the heart and soul of this country, and allow the refugee population alter the community.
Not only has his policies put a financial burden on future generations, altering their ability to live better than their parents, but now, he is dumping a culture and a religion, that is counter to the very fabric of the heartland and the foundation on which these rural towns have been built.
Washington DC is not being forced to take in hundreds of refugees. Small towns however, throughout the states of North Dakota, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota and Kansas, have been forced to resettle this immigrant population.
Read more on the next page about Obama’s infiltration into the heartland of America.
If you can control your anger and think systematically you begin to see all his peaceful and the easiest way to over run from inside is over whelm small towns because they’ll have a foot hold then slowly infiltrate smaller towns around large metropolitan area by doing so you control the mass one small town at a time almost unnoticed connected with job preference rising unemployment for America and overwhelming debt weakening our military alienation of our allies befriending countries who want to destroy America his bid for a UN position trying to erase Christianity and telling people we are not a Christian nation anymore
Ignoring our veterans while holding up illegal immigrants promoting American division instead of uniting Americans trying to eliminate our rights the destruction is pretty clear what’s coming look at the world today with your eyes open not with anger but with conscious awareness and you begin to realize something has changed and you see a pure evil beginning to unveil itself and then more clearly you begin to connect the dots.
That is why we need guns so we can defend are self’s against these rapist and murderess evil people.
Until we get off Facebook and turn out in record numbers to peacefully over turn this government and have emergency voting to put new in and get rid of the UN welcome to the new world to come explain to your children as well where there freedom and liberties went
More ILLEGAL actions from the criminal in chief
no sending more refuggee’s to small towns where their will be so many of them that they will have a majority say in what happens in those places. enough is enough.
f**k Ovomit
I hope these States have concealed or even open carry laws. What is happening in Europe will not happen here!
Romans 1 verse 18-32 God has turned over the wicked and unbeliever to there deprived minds as it was for warned to us in his word May God have Mercy on our SOULS
Obama has a nice mansion put some there. WE DON’T WANT THEM!
Small towns will take care of the goat fucking muslims.