Barack Obama had a pretty ineffective 2016. Not only was he an unpopular, but his party had minority control in both houses of congress. But the president never seemed to care. The media assured us that Hillary Clinton would be our next president and that the Senate would probably flip, as well.
So Obama languished and accomplished little — until Donald Trump prevailed against Clinton in the general election.
Suddenly, Obama put his leftist agenda into overdrive. He condemned Israeli settlements in the UN, imposed new rules on gun ownership, and commuted the sentence of Chelsea Manning, a soldier who leaked classified military documents to the world.
But not everything Obama did in his finals weeks were noticed by the media — and some are still being discovered. Now, lawmakers have ordered an investigation into an enormous arms sale to Kenya that occurred on Obama’s last day in office.
Read about the deal on the next page:
Satan’s brother
The democrats are extremely sore at losing 8 years work of pushing OUR nation toward One World Order, they believed that once Hillary won they would be very close to eliminating the last obstacle. That obstacle is the right of the People to keep and bear arms. Our fore fathers foresaw this fight coming and wrote our constitution to prevent the evil few from being able to gain absolute control. Hillary and bill were pushing toward One World Order and Obama was pushing toward becoming a Muslim nation. The democrats believed they would be part of the ruling elite. No, if Hillary had succeeded and we were disarmed radical Islamists would have violently taken total control and killed off all possible enemies. That would include the democrats but they have been too stupid to see this picture. Blind Libtards !! Can’t fix stupid.
He’s funding his shadow government!
Obama was a VERY SNEAKY President! He is smart and is using his smarts to kick America in the crotch! Continues to show his dislike of America!
He wanted to take our guns but sells Kenya an arsenal what a piece of sschit
obama needs to die in prison, or a ditch.
If that was trump God for bid
obama trash