Obama has weakened the United States military during his two terms, creating voids through out the world, where evil has stepped in to fill its place and purging the military of high-ranking officers by removing them from their posts.
He has not shown support for the troops and in this newest snub, demonstrates once again where his allegiance really lies, with the politician who reflect the Obama policies, and far from the honorable men and women who lay their lives on the line for this country.
Another warship was named by this administration, after a liberal activist, a Michigan Democrat who served for 31 years in the Senate and chaired the Senate Armed Services Committee from 2007 to 2015. The newly named Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer will be called the USS Carl M. Levin.
Read more on the next page.
so the next garbage barge is the USS Barry Soetoro AKA Obama.and his Library should be built in old Detroit.
What is a “military hero”? What the hell do we need all this miltary equipment for? Bogeymsn gonna get us?$#%&!@*Obama,$#%&!@*the military,$#%&!@*whoever this ship o’ stupidity and fear is named for,$#%&!@*statism and violent authority worship.
Obama has made it clear, he loathes the military. He has descimated our arm forces by cutting funding for many programs and spending that money elsewhere, like funding the muslims agenda. This man cannot leave fast enough as far as i’m concerned.
Sheri Hoffman she has to be a liberal
such an asshole
All right people for some reason this piece of s*** has not been impeached and thrown out of office literally. That means that the other politicians are not doing their job and what the American people want so this year put Trump as president and demand that all those politicians that did not move forward with him pitching or raise their hand to impeach Obama those politicians need to have their careers ended their assets Frozen and paid back to the American people
I am surprised he didn’t name it after himself.. What an arrogant pos.
Communist Muslim.