President Obama may be on his way out of office, but that’s not stopping him from doing what he can to continue compromising the nation’s sovereignty.
For the past 8 years, this administration has made it a priority to weaken the United States. From tying the hands of our soldiers to making nice with the Iranians, the White House has made it clear that it views America not as a country to defend but a threat to be weakened.
But it’s not just the nation’s defensive posture that Obama has undermined: its the US’s military capabilities as well. After years of trying to decimate our nuclear capability, the president has taken his most drastic action yet to relieve the US of it’s nuclear weapons stockpile: overriding the objections of Congress, Obama has resolved to go to the UN and ask them permission to ban all nuclear testing whatsoever.
Learn more about Obama’s latest power grab on the next page:
Psalm 106:38
And shed innocent blood, The blood of their sons and their daughters, Whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan; And the land was polluted with the blood.
Proverbs 17:15
He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous, Both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD.
Isaiah 5:23
Who justify the wicked for a bribe, And take away the rights of the ones who are in the right!
Lying generally involves deliberate falsehood, told with the intent of misleading or causing someone to believe error.
Note Isaiah 59:13 – Conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood.
Acts 5:1-9 – Ananias and Sapphira sold property and gave part of the price to the church, but they told others that they gave the whole price. Peter asked, “How is it you have conceived this thing in your heart.” They had lied to God.
We will notice several verses later that show that lies come from the heart. [Acts 5:1-9]
If someone asks me the ages of my grandchildren, if I tell what I believe is the truth, but it turns out to be a mistake, I have not lied. But if I know the truth and knowingly tell what is wrong, I have lied.
“What does the Bible say about lawlessness?”
Answer: To be lawless is to be contrary to the law or to act without regard to the law. Laws are necessary in a sinful world (1 Timothy 1:9), and those who choose to act lawlessly further sin in the world. The word for “lawlessness” in the Bible is often translated “iniquity.” According to the Bible, the root of all lawlessness is rebellion.
First John 3:4 defines sin as lawlessness: “Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness.” To commit sin is to be lawless; that is, the sinner breaks God’s law. In this way, lawlessness is a rejection of God. Satan, who models the ultimate rejection of God, will one day empower the Antichrist, called “the lawless one,” whose rise to power “will be in accordance with how Satan works” (2 Thessalonians 2:9).
Lawlessness is contrasted with righteousness in verses such as Romans 6:19, 2 Corinthians 6:14, and Hebrews 1:9. The righteous, who have the nature of Jesus Christ, hate the deeds of lawlessness. Lot, a godly man living in Sodom, “was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard” (2 Peter 2:8). The psalmist said, “I abhor the assembly of evildoers and refuse to sit with the wicked” (Psalm 26:5). Christians are to be law-abiding (1 Peter 4:15).
When a society ignores the law, lawlessness is the result, and chaos ensues. The time of the judges after Joshua’s death was marked by upheaval, oppression, and general disorder. The biblical historian puts his finger on the reason for the tumult: “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit” (Judges 21:25). The riot in Ephesus is a good example of lawlessness in action (Acts 19). The rioters were confused and unsure even of why they were rioting (verse 32); in their lawlessness, they were ignoring proper legal channels (verse 39) and, of course, breaking the law (verse 40).
God has a purpose for establishing human government: “to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right” (1 Peter 2:14). Rulers are God’s appointees to maintain order and promote righteousness in a civil society. “Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves” (Romans 13:2). In other words, lawlessness is condemned in Scripture.
The Bible connects man’s lawlessness and rebellion against God with his need for God’s forgiveness. In Romans 4:7, Paul (quoting Psalm 32:1) says, “Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered” (ESV). God’s righteousness is imputed to us at salvation, and God forgives us of our lawlessness: “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more” (Hebrews 10:17, quoting Jeremiah 31:34). Christ died on the cross “to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works” (Titus 2:14, ESV). Our lawless deeds resulted in Christ’s death, but God’s grace overcomes our lawless hearts.
In the judgment many will stand before Christ claiming a connection with Him that exists only in their own minds. They will rehearse their good deeds done in His name, only to hear Jesus declare them to be “workers of lawlessness” whom Christ never knew (Matthew 7:23, ESV). At that time, those who practice lawlessness will be cast “into the blazing furnace,” while those who are covered by the righteousness of Christ “will shine like the sun” (Matthew 13:41–43). Christ will have the ultimate victory and will eliminate lawlessness forever.
I’m going to push this until the Nov election on every post I can. If you don’t want the truth about Hillary don’t read it.
A Lie Named Hillary ..
I oppose her because she cannot tell the truth to save her life. Any public servant who has the gall to issue a list of terms the press cannot utter, as if disposing the corpse of free will, is helplessly deluded and a petulant child. Sorry, Hillary, but no one owes you anything; especially the nation you proclaim to serve with nothing but the benevolence of blind ambition. If your candidacy cannot survive without the aid of deception, division, and the fabricated catcalls of “sexism” to demonize your critics, then please tell us why America needs you? Better yet, please explain how you’re even worthy of the job? A leader doesn’t need pollsters, a panel of advisers, two news conferences and a room full of media drones just to announce whether or not she used an unauthorized server to conduct official government business and therefore deleted emails in an attempt to avoid prosecution. A leader would never break the law in the first place. And a leader doesn’t shout, “At this point, what difference does it make” when four lives are lost in the wake of her unmitigated failure. Any self-respecting adult with an ounce of integrity would simply admit the truth. Excuse me, any self-aware child who knows the difference between right and wrong, life and death. She was thrown off the Congressional Watergate panel for lying and she hasn’t stopped lying since !!!!!. And some people want her as our President – she can’t & won’t even tell the Truth as Secretary of State – and remember all she has done there to pad her financial pockets and political career – That should never have begun.
If I’m hiring someone to run my business, placing my future in foreign hands, I don’t care whether you’re a Democrat or Republican, a man or woman, white or black. I want the most qualified candidate whose character speaks for itself and whose ideals can stand on the merits of their own wisdom. That’s common sense. Are you going to have the audacity to tell me what I can and can’t ask; what verbiage is acceptable? If your resume and vision are truly best for the entire nation, not just one party, gender or race, either should be able to withstand the most blistering questions and exhaustive scrutiny. In fact, you should welcome any and all discourse to discredit your detractors and display your competence. A leader unites, empowers and inspires by example, not by excuses or endless blame. Tell me the national debt is a record 19 Trillion and that Barack Obama has raised it more than the first 43 presidents combined. Admit that an estimated 94 million Americans are out of the workforce, nearly 50 million are on public assistance, and that the economic recovery is a sham. Admonish Iran as a destabilizing force of Islamic radicalism that must never be mentioned in the same sentence as “nuclear power”. Recognize the reality every civilized nation has immigration laws and that American sovereignty, the safety and security of her people, supersedes any political ploy to stuff the ballot box beneath the hollow cries of racism.
Yes, just like generations of legal immigrants before your candidacy, respect is given when trust is earned. If you are incapable of acknowledging simple, documented facts – solely because it’s easier to hide behind a propaganda platform that cajoles and incites an expendable public – you’re not interested in solving anything, let alone serving the American people or any notion of truth. You and the likes of you are the cancer killing the country I love. You’re the lie my forefathers warned us about. Hillary Clinton has a long and inglorious history of alleged document tampering and questionable legal maneuverings.. AMERICAN VOTERS WE NEED TO KEEP HER OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE.. SHE BELONGS IN JAIL – PLEASE – PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE !!!
I’m going to push this until the Nov election on every post I can. If you don’t want the truth about Hillary don’t read it.
A Lie Named Hillary ..
I oppose her because she cannot tell the truth to save her life. Any public servant who has the gall to issue a list of terms the press cannot utter, as if disposing the corpse of free will, is helplessly deluded and a petulant child. Sorry, Hillary, but no one owes you anything; especially the nation you proclaim to serve with nothing but the benevolence of blind ambition. If your candidacy cannot survive without the aid of deception, division, and the fabricated catcalls of “sexism” to demonize your critics, then please tell us why America needs you? Better yet, please explain how you’re even worthy of the job? A leader doesn’t need pollsters, a panel of advisers, two news conferences and a room full of media drones just to announce whether or not she used an unauthorized server to conduct official government business and therefore deleted emails in an attempt to avoid prosecution. A leader would never break the law in the first place. And a leader doesn’t shout, “At this point, what difference does it make” when four lives are lost in the wake of her unmitigated failure. Any self-respecting adult with an ounce of integrity would simply admit the truth. Excuse me, any self-aware child who knows the difference between right and wrong, life and death. She was thrown off the Congressional Watergate panel for lying and she hasn’t stopped lying since !!!!!. And some people want her as our President – she can’t & won’t even tell the Truth as Secretary of State – and remember all she has done there to pad her financial pockets and political career – That should never have begun.
If I’m hiring someone to run my business, placing my future in foreign hands, I don’t care whether you’re a Democrat or Republican, a man or woman, white or black. I want the most qualified candidate whose character speaks for itself and whose ideals can stand on the merits of their own wisdom. That’s common sense. Are you going to have the audacity to tell me what I can and can’t ask; what verbiage is acceptable? If your resume and vision are truly best for the entire nation, not just one party, gender or race, either should be able to withstand the most blistering questions and exhaustive scrutiny. In fact, you should welcome any and all discourse to discredit your detractors and display your competence. A leader unites, empowers and inspires by example, not by excuses or endless blame. Tell me the national debt is a record 19 Trillion and that Barack Obama has raised it more than the first 43 presidents combined. Admit that an estimated 94 million Americans are out of the workforce, nearly 50 million are on public assistance, and that the economic recovery is a sham. Admonish Iran as a destabilizing force of Islamic radicalism that must never be mentioned in the same sentence as “nuclear power”. Recognize the reality every civilized nation has immigration laws and that American sovereignty, the safety and security of her people, supersedes any political ploy to stuff the ballot box beneath the hollow cries of racism.
Yes, just like generations of legal immigrants before your candidacy, respect is given when trust is earned. If you are incapable of acknowledging simple, documented facts – solely because it’s easier to hide behind a propaganda platform that cajoles and incites an expendable public – you’re not interested in solving anything, let alone serving the American people or any notion of truth. You and the likes of you are the cancer killing the country I love. You’re the lie my forefathers warned us about. Hillary Clinton has a long and inglorious history of alleged document tampering and questionable legal maneuverings.. AMERICAN VOTERS WE NEED TO KEEP HER OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE.. SHE BELONGS IN JAIL – PLEASE – PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE !!!
We dont have a Congress any more, just a bunch of idiots collecting a pay check
Impeach this commy bastard !
Get “on” this Congress – you need to tie-down this loose cannon before a $#%&!@*sorm” erupts!
Regardless of what people believe we can choose to believe that UN at any time