President Obama may be on his way out of office, but that’s not stopping him from doing what he can to continue compromising the nation’s sovereignty.
For the past 8 years, this administration has made it a priority to weaken the United States. From tying the hands of our soldiers to making nice with the Iranians, the White House has made it clear that it views America not as a country to defend but a threat to be weakened.
But it’s not just the nation’s defensive posture that Obama has undermined: its the US’s military capabilities as well. After years of trying to decimate our nuclear capability, the president has taken his most drastic action yet to relieve the US of it’s nuclear weapons stockpile: overriding the objections of Congress, Obama has resolved to go to the UN and ask them permission to ban all nuclear testing whatsoever.
Learn more about Obama’s latest power grab on the next page:
I really wish someone would make him drink a bunch of pigs blood before shooting him with bacon grease lubed bullets
Republicans where are you?
Impeach this Bastard
report on immigratio control by UN
This weekend I appeared on Fox News with Uma Pemmaraju to dicuss why Donald J. Trump’s immigrant vetting plan is necessary, and why so many Gitmo detainees are returning to terrorism upon transfer.
“We need to throw away political correctness and identify the problem.
Listen to this report on immigration Hillary is making a ton of money
I thought$#%&!@*was dead!
Back to court!
I don’t suppose this bothers the liberals much. it bothers me a lot, he has ignored the North Koreans nuclear build up and financed the Iranian build up. Can you imagine how it will be under Clinton? She owes the Saudis so much that we will become Obama’s third world country.
Get out of the UN. They are not in charge of us…yet.
Screw you Dingle Barry and the UN.