President Obama may be on his way out of office, but that’s not stopping him from doing what he can to continue compromising the nation’s sovereignty.
For the past 8 years, this administration has made it a priority to weaken the United States. From tying the hands of our soldiers to making nice with the Iranians, the White House has made it clear that it views America not as a country to defend but a threat to be weakened.
But it’s not just the nation’s defensive posture that Obama has undermined: its the US’s military capabilities as well. After years of trying to decimate our nuclear capability, the president has taken his most drastic action yet to relieve the US of it’s nuclear weapons stockpile: overriding the objections of Congress, Obama has resolved to go to the UN and ask them permission to ban all nuclear testing whatsoever.
Learn more about Obama’s latest power grab on the next page:
Why the hell don’t they impeach him already how much treason does he have to do
Lets be done with this Muslim traitor.
Try to keep this in mind, Donald Trump did not steal your money. Donald Trump did not raise your taxes. Donald Trump did not quadruple the price of food. Trump is not starting a race war. Trump did not leave any US soldiers in Benghazi to be slaughtered and desecrated by Muslims. Trump did not send the US Navy to fight for Syrian Al-Qaeda. Trump did not arm ISIS and systematically exterminate Christians throughout the Middle East. Trump did not betray Israel. Trump did not provide financing and technology to Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Trump did not give our military secrets to China. Trump did not remove our nuclear missile shield in Poland at the behest of Russia. Trump did not shrivel our military, and betray our veterans. Trump did not cripple our economy. Trump did not increase our debt to 20 trillion dollars. Trump did not ruin our credit, twice. Trump did not double African American unemployment. Trump did not increase welfare to a record level for eight years. Trump did not sign a law making it legal to execute, and imprison Americans. Trump did not set free all of terrorists in Guantanamo bay. Trump did not steal your rights, violate US Constitutional law, or commit treason, hundreds of times. Yet Trump is being ripped apart in the news, non stop. Barrack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton and the criminals occupying our government, are not. The media is the Democratic Party. Save our culture. Stop listening to them..!! Please copy and Paste and share! ( copied and pasted ) Also Trump doesn’t need Money, Power, Prestige, Fame, a fabulous lifestyle, he already has that, he will be sacrificing so much to take on the tremendous burden. Think about that too. Why else would every single News media except FOX continually lie about him. if you sit back and really think about this, it is so obvious who the liars are. It has become crystal clear to me and actually everyone I know….. Vote Donald J Trump.
We have no government in washington that will not impeach a President that is doing criminal acts against the unitedstates..He secretly pays a country to get our american people released thats been held hostage ,and that country chants Death to America ..Plus the Government is so corrupt that they let a known Criminal like Hillary Clinton run for President ..knowing Obama & Hillary let our people die a awful death in Benghazi ..WE HAVE NO GOVERNMENT FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ANYMORE..They would choose money over the american people and yet there is so many brain dead people in america that will vote for a Criminal like Hillary knowing full well what she is and that lf she is elected we will live a horrible life and die at her hands ..And yet here comes along a man thats willing to give his all for us americans and truly loves america and is honest &trustworthy the people put him down like he is nothing looks to me like most of america is working for satan himself ..DONALD TRUMP & MIKE PENCE IS OUR ONLY HOPE OF SURVIVIAL ..America better wake up before its to late ..
The terrorist spokesman at it again…haha
Congress needs to Impeach Obama now, even democrat need to do what best for America.