Major General Harold Greene is the highest-ranking officer to fall in combat since Vietnam. The 2-star general was killed in Afghanistan on August 5 and was laid to rest earlier this year at Arlington National Cemetery.
President Obama was too busy golfing at Vineyard Golf Club with elites, such as the World Bank President, to attend. VP Biden was too busy vacationing at the Hamptons to show up.
Not only did Obama not attend, he made no public comment, like he did with Robin Williams, or even order flags to be flown half mast, which he did for Whitney Houston and Nelson Mandela.
Wow Art your the first one I’ve heard say sorry , so thanks
we true and real Americans salute you Major General Greene Sir! Thankyou for your career service in our military, and then, your ultimate sacrifice, YOU ARE A REAL AND TRUE AMERICAN HERO AND YOUR CALIBER OF SOLDERING WAS PHENOMINAL!!!
thats the smell you get from a t**d!
It is the same as always but this time it is shown by the Obama and his stupid side kick…Any time any person who is a celebrity or sports star or anything of the sort the whole world knows about it and sometimes Obama has all the flags flown at half staff. But heaven forbid that a Soldier no matter what rank that Soldier is gives the ultimate sacrifice, hardly anyone in the world knows about it unless it is posted by one of that Soldier’s fellow comrades. But does Obama do anything about it? Hell no! He is too worried about missing a stroke while spending tax payer’s money to play a game of golf. That just shows how sorry and how uncaring our grand poobah actually is. YES HE IS LITERALLY THE WORST PRESIDENT ALONG WITH BIDEN BEING THE WORST VICE PRESIDENT BOTH IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES!!!!!!
He would have used the funeral to make a self serving speech anyway – no one wants him anywhere. Play golf fool – your days are numbered.
What a Leader of our Country we have
An absolute $#%&!@*
he should have gone……..although someone would then bash him for not going to more troop funerals
RIP thank you for your service
Obama is the t**d that don’t flush …just floppin around playin golf