Major General Harold Greene is the highest-ranking officer to fall in combat since Vietnam. The 2-star general was killed in Afghanistan on August 5 and was laid to rest earlier this year at Arlington National Cemetery.
President Obama was too busy golfing at Vineyard Golf Club with elites, such as the World Bank President, to attend. VP Biden was too busy vacationing at the Hamptons to show up.
Not only did Obama not attend, he made no public comment, like he did with Robin Williams, or even order flags to be flown half mast, which he did for Whitney Houston and Nelson Mandela.
i would not want him at my funeral.
He has fired most of our top Military.
Disgusting POS!
I’m sure the Traitor in Chief had to go golfing.
The general was a good guy. Obama likes terrorist
Sad that the commander in chief if you want to call one. Refused to attend and honor a member if the armed forces and a general
I will never forget anything he has done
Very old news!!!!!
The RACIEST PUNK MUSLIM LIAR IN CHIEF hates our Military and the USA!!!!
Obama couldn’t even attend the funeral of one of his generals? There lies a problem.
If he was your family and you hated Obama would you want him there ?