You know that when President Obama does something and doesn’t make a big show of it that something – something bad, specifically – is in the works.
Unlike the massive public relations campaigns he launched in order to deceive Americans into supporting the Affordable Care Act and the Iran deal, Obama was surprisingly mum when he issued a new series of executive orders. In fact, the orders in question were only discovered when someone went on the White House website and noticed that the administration had quietly issued them.
At first glance, the orders appear to merely detail who will take over if the Administrator of the EPA and the Secretaries of the Treasury and Veteran Affairs die or are otherwise unable to perform their duties. However, the orders go beyond this and describe what will happen if the deputy administrator and secretaries slated to fill these roles are also incapacitated, suggesting the Obama administration is preparing for the loss of several high-ranking functionaries.
Watch video about the executive orders on the next page:
Very credible source
GET him out of there !! Hurry !!
It won’t take TRUMP long to do away with Obama’s c**p. At least I hope it don’t. LOL.
You morons…
I had predicted yesterday that he would not dare to sign off any more of his executive orders with only a couple of months left. My thinking was two issues, one, whatever he puts forth will be called back in two months, and two, would he be that stupid knowing the response he would get from the folk which would only make him look worse in the minds of the folk. Is this guy that stupid.
sounds like someones gonna have an accident…
its coming he will pay where ever he goes we will find him secret service
the POTUS should not be able to make any executive orders after nov, 8 . the POTUS should only be a figure head of USA until the new office is place…. no sheniggans….
Uhhhm PDD 51….designed to hand in entirety, complete control of ALLmilitary,reserves and national guardsmen, legislativemexecutive and judical control to one man………named specifically in this directive, barrack Hussein Obama, in the event that 1..we experience a massive civil uproar and rioting that cant be quelled by authorities within 48 hours, 2a mass casualty natural disster, or a 3medical disaster, and since the demshits are now rioting, I foresee PDD51 being impemented very shortly.and what will this do, SUSPEND the constitution, allow obama to STAY in office indefinitely and keep a little known overseas promise he made 6 months or so ago…….to prevent Trump from taking offic eIF he wins the election…… buckle down america…..keep rioting you dumshits and you will soo n learn what a dictatorship on AMERCAN soil will look like, and within 24 hours you will see the SECOND revolutionary war against our OWN government this time.and the hidden stats of this directive state that an acceptible casualty level of 5-7 MILLION civilians is expected AND ACCEPTIBLE to quell an all out rebellion and it will allow him to turn us over finally to what he has previouslt attempted secretly………….to UN controls