Do you ever find yourself wondering just what exactly is in your food?
If so, you’re not the only one: thousands of Americans have grown increasingly concerned about trends in food processing towards genetic modification and other advanced techniques of cultivation. While the companies that produce the food reassure that this is merely the way of the future and that there is nothing to fear, many find it hard to take these claims at face value.
A major part of this unease stems from the reluctance of such corporations as Monsanto to clearly let consumers know what is in their food, leading activists to call for labeling of GMO products. But instead of heeding these calls, President Obama has thrown in his lot with the big corporate interests and intervened to shield them from any possible accountability.
Read how Obama has protected Monsanto and other GMO companies on the next page:
good by brain dead glad to see you leave the white house vote trump and pence
Another example of Transparency?
Not called Liar in Chief for nothing.
Trump #patriot
Stop with the baseless GMO fear-mongering….all foods have been genetically modified through the millennia.
one more major reason for his follower’s to love him, isn’t it nice you don’t even have to think obama will do it for you. If hillary get’s in she’l do it for you too; you can just go on with your happy little life pretending everything’s just wonderful, your kid’s will have it even better by the time they grow up!! Come on why would you ever want to know whats in your food, if it taste good eat it!!
Oboma is a cancer to the health of we the people of the United States this slime ball monkey needs to be prosecuted for treason along with Hillary Clinton they should share a prison cell next to Michelle Obama she’s as guilty as the rest of the scumbags
وقتي آقاي ترامپ ارزش هاي خانم هيلاري كلينتون را بعنوان سياستمدار وعضوي برجسته از اركان ايالات متحده بنام يكزن ناديده ميگيرد وزنان را كوچك وبي ارزش ميشمارد،به ايشان ميگويم صدر اعظم آلمان يك زن است،،نيست وزير انگليس يك زنان است وبسياري از بزرگان سياست ودانش جهان زن هستند،چطور ميتوان به آقاي ترامپ اطمينان نمود كه در مقامات بالا در كنار اين برجسته زنان قرارگيرد وبه آنان تعرض نكند وخيال بد از ضميرش نگذرد،كسيكه فقط يك قمارخانه دار ثروتمند است وهيچ تعهد اخلاقي ندارد،زنان ودختران را مورد آزار جنسي قرار داده است چگونه ميتواند دراجتماع جهاني حضور يابد،آيا پرونده ايشان بسته است؟همسرشان يك مهاجر غير قانوني ست وخودشان هم از بنيان مهاجر هستند،ملت آمريكا آگاه باشيد شخصي بنام ترامپ نميتواند با سخنان قبلش تغيير كرده باشد،زنگ خطريست براي سياهپوستان وزنان ومردان ومهاجرين واقشار متوسط وپايين اجتماع،تحصيلكرده ها، روشنفكران ،آزاديخواهان،تجار، بازرگانان وحتي نسبت به قشر مرفه جامعه،ايشان فقط طرفدار گروهي است ،كه رعب ووحشت وديكتاتوري وضد مذهب وضد امنيت حرمت انساني هستند باشد،اكنون ايالات متحده مردمي نه رفاه صددرصد بلكه از سقوط نجات پيدا كرده است ،ترامپ خطري ست جهاني وأين خطر از آمريكا شروع ميشود،من يك لامكانم ودنيا سرزمين من است وعشق بتمام أنسان هاي محروم وطن من است،من،،سياهم،زردم،سرخم، ،سفيدم، اما مليتم تمام محرومان دنياست، هيلاري كلينتون را خوب ميدانم،،،،،بياد دردها وستم هاي بعدي باشيد ترامپ الگوي ستم است ،امتحان خداوند را باور كنيد، نفرت وانزجار و ظلم، يعني ترامپ ،،،فتحيه
Because they are all going to go into the sAme non-gender bathroom.
This is so wrong ! People who are allergic to certain foods could die. He cares nothing about the people just himself!