It’s good to see that Obama is finally getting the economy rolling along again, and provided the stimulus himself!
Thanks to all his noisy gun control rhetoric, the American public has spoken loudly in return. Check the next page:
It’s good to see that Obama is finally getting the economy rolling along again, and provided the stimulus himself!
Thanks to all his noisy gun control rhetoric, the American public has spoken loudly in return. Check the next page:
That’s funny
He needs to get an award for being the best gun salesman in our history
Something you should remember. This post of Ronal Reagan making a speech before he himself was shot. John Hinckley, who attempted to assassinate Ronal Reagan. After that event Reagan has been the only president that Actually wanted to take your guns away. The most guarded man on the planet was shot with good guys all around him with guns and they could not protect him. By a man who had mental illness.
Hahaha that’s awesone! He finally keeps one of his promises to the people…..sadly it’s through gun sells because people think he’s trying to become a dictator or call martial or afraid of millions of mystery immigrants being dumped on America!
I wish he’d shoot his mouth off!
Karma a-hole
It would be pretty funny if Obama invested in gun manufacturers, before he started his attack on our right to arm, knowing that he would never be able to disarm America, yet still making tons of cash from the investment. I would do that.
Sold more guns and ammo for gun and ammo manufacturers than any man alive !!!
great idea folks get ready for this b
Well now people he did say he was going to get the economy growing again and he did it