It’s good to see that Obama is finally getting the economy rolling along again, and provided the stimulus himself!
Thanks to all his noisy gun control rhetoric, the American public has spoken loudly in return. Check the next page:
It’s good to see that Obama is finally getting the economy rolling along again, and provided the stimulus himself!
Thanks to all his noisy gun control rhetoric, the American public has spoken loudly in return. Check the next page:
Just remember people… the gun DOES NOT load itself. Enough treating the gun as if it has a mind of its own!
We need prosperity not need you
Pissing him off cause america isn’t as dum and blind as we thought
Buy ammo…
Always great seeing the president doing his job and getting the economy going again! Lol
the idiot
The more obama talks the more guns we buy!!
Thanks mr terrist i needed more guns
I’m with you Ron!
The economy isn’t stimulated. Heard where it’s still below sub par. Far more unemployment than ever. More than 1929 , crash.