It’s good to see that Obama is finally getting the economy rolling along again, and provided the stimulus himself!
Thanks to all his noisy gun control rhetoric, the American public has spoken loudly in return. Check the next page:
It’s good to see that Obama is finally getting the economy rolling along again, and provided the stimulus himself!
Thanks to all his noisy gun control rhetoric, the American public has spoken loudly in return. Check the next page:
The American President who hates his country.
Love it. Go Americans.
@Rose…The military are sworn to defend the constitution! That includes the 2nd amendment. You would know that if you had ever served.
Words p**s off right-wing numbskulls to the point of them wanting to shoot off their guns ! Why are these people avoiding dialogue?
Americans buy more guns to defy his gun control..
President Obama is finally out in open as an advocate not of gun control, but of eliminating guns in the hands of the people. The White House announced Monday that the president is working on executive orders to do what Congress won’t. Mr. Obama would eviscerate the Second Amendment to accomplish his goal of disarming ordinary law-abiding Americans. He is determined not to let the tragedy in Oregon go to waste.
In a few short sentences, he validates every fear of those who believe the president, who said earlier that he wanted only “common sense” restrictions on the ownership of guns, was actually advocating the first steps to confiscation. His critics argued that he and his congressional allies, particularly Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania and Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, were out to establish a federal gun registry, which would lead to confiscation here, as it has in other places. The president and his defenders scoffed, reminding everyone that Mr. Obama declared during the 2012 campaign that he not only believes in the right of Americans to keep and bear arms, but promising in paid advertisements, that he would “never take your guns.”
Wrong House Obamas, go home to Kenya…
Every time Obama opens his mouth about gun control more and more AMERICANS are preparing for what is coming. Good job AMERICANS. Obama is anti American.
Obama is the biggest gun dealer in America and the Democrats keep talking about gun control sell sell sell . The small gun dealers thank you .
ha wait i will be on that list as soon as i can figure out what i want