It’s good to see that Obama is finally getting the economy rolling along again, and provided the stimulus himself!
Thanks to all his noisy gun control rhetoric, the American public has spoken loudly in return. Check the next page:
It’s good to see that Obama is finally getting the economy rolling along again, and provided the stimulus himself!
Thanks to all his noisy gun control rhetoric, the American public has spoken loudly in return. Check the next page:
Keep talking, we need more gun sales.
Sales are soaring, means the constitution Will survive the Saul alinsky prez
Evidently he did not organize that community
Ugggg, the gun and Knife show will be packed with idiots this weekend
yup. after watching rape gangs flooding the migrant camps of germany.. i wont feel safe myself w out protection..sorry obama. you cant take in radicals and possible isis guys smuggling themselves in w people your taking in and expect people to sit unprotected. I wont live like that .
Good they cant get us all!!
No they haven’t proven to me that they are that smart, it goes against everything Obama stands for like making us week while making Muslims strong ,see what I mean