It must be a strong republic of which we are privileged to be citizens and have been able to survive the likes of Bill Clinton and especially Barack Obama as presidents. Mercifully, we did not have to test the strength of our nation during a Hillary Clinton administration. What a relief.
On to the point of this article: The “Get Out of Jail” free card that we all recognize as part of the board game “Monopoly” has taken on a far more real existence as the Obama administration finally comes to an end. He is handing them out with reckless abandon as we’ll see on page two.
What an$#%&!@*hat
And we will have to live with them.
His “Legacy”. Invites in millions of illegals, gives them endless freebies and tells them to vote. Invites in millions of Muslim “refugees” sets them up in enclaves and ARMS them. Pardons thousands of dangerous criminals and turns them loose to prey on society again. Hey, Obama, you bipedal column of human waste, you needn’t worry about us losing sight of your “legacy” We can see it CLEARLY.
His legacy ‼️ that’s all he has.
For EVERY victim of crime committed by those pardoned, FILE A LAWSUIT AGAINST OBAMA THE TRAITOR.
If one of his ‘pardoned prisoners’ murders somebody, then Obama should pay the penalty !
Thanks a lot bitch
As he releases them, deport them. You know they are immediately going to break the law.
There should be a limit set on these presidential pardons so it can’t get out of hand!