It must be a strong republic of which we are privileged to be citizens and have been able to survive the likes of Bill Clinton and especially Barack Obama as presidents. Mercifully, we did not have to test the strength of our nation during a Hillary Clinton administration. What a relief.
On to the point of this article: The “Get Out of Jail” free card that we all recognize as part of the board game “Monopoly” has taken on a far more real existence as the Obama administration finally comes to an end. He is handing them out with reckless abandon as we’ll see on page two.
I bet every one of them were muslim.
If only one would act on behalf of America, we would be so rid of the waste and destruction Obumo has brought.
Natural born idiot,
Trump needs to appoint someone to monitor bis shadow government
I’m a little tired of being overlooked, because, my wife and I got through the steel mill shutdown, in western PA, by working; no well fare or food stamps! We made it! Got a new job in Dayton, OH, and started over. Why isn’t this worth any attention?
Just causing more of a mess for the new administration to clean up. What a TRAITOR!
The only ones that need to be released are American citizens that are in there for non violent drug possession charges period
He is total SCUM. Traitor. Muslim infiltrator.
This divisive president, the worst in our history, not only flies $1.7 billion in cash, to the largest state sponsor of terrorism, but released known Islamic terrorists back onto the battlefield. He also promotes and allows, sanctuary cities to protect illegal violent felons, and open borders, while allowing thousands of unvetted, potential jihadist terrorists, into America. If there is any proof that any of these evil beasts, take a single American life, then obama should be held accountable, as a accomplice to the murder. He has also created more debt (doubling our National debt) than ALL presidents before him combined. The economy has NEVER been this low, than what it is under his so called leadership Obama has caused more damage and more racial division than and invading army ever could have.He is either totally inept, or he has an agenda to permanently damage our country and it’s people
they’ll return