Barack Obama revealed his proposed budget on Tuesday, and it is just more of the same, a plan to bankrupt the nation and to pick winners and losers that has little correlation with reality. It shows again that for Obama and his Democratic enablers, the era of Big Government is definitely NOT over.
Obama has pushed the debt from $9 trillion to $19 trillion during his two terms in office, a sum so huge that it threatens the fiscal well-being of the nation for years to come, and this plan is more of the same.
As a lame duck president, Obama has little muscle to push the budget through, but Republicans have shown themselves to be a feckless, timid lot, and stranger things have happened when Obama demanded a new policy or program and the Republicans simply rolled over after first voicing firm protestations in the media to placate the base.
It should really be no surprise to the Republican establishment that political outsiders such as Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and Ben Carson have generated such excitement. The voters have realized they cannot trust the establishment politicians, including such things as budgeting and planning, even when they have the majority and the support of the people.
So the budget that is being proposed may have leaders like Paul Ryan talking tough and saying it is a non-starter, but we could still wake up in a few weeks and see that it had passed. And of course the compliant and spineless Democrats have never seen any proposed budget or illegal legislation proposed by Obama that they did not immediately love.
What the budge would pay for, page 2:
Vacation money
Burn budget arrest him
Shoot his budget down. This pig is only going to give it to his Daesh pig bro’s
Obama is doing everything he can to make America a third world country bye spending us into being broke and poor
if they pass it they ALL need to be Fired!!
He should give up his retirment if he wants to help out so much
I think we can all agree that the democrats are trying to take our country in the wrong direction and that obama especially has been a disaster..Most of us are also very disappointed in the republican fight or lack of a fight against this..There is no doubt that our representatives know what the people that elected them want. So why are they not doing our bidding for us?? It is very simple, they have sold out. They have been bought and paid for by special interests.It is a constant thing but it becomes a lot more evident during the presidental campaign season because we see the huge amount of money donated to the candidates and to their superpacs. Surely no one thinks that companies and individuals donate millions of dollars just because they are patriotic or out of the goodness of their heart..Hell no,they are buying influence. That is why our government is not working because the will of the people does not compare with the money to these politicians.. I think that most of us realize this but we have a tendancy to think it is all the others but not our representative. Ours of course is working for us. Well,that is just straight bull. They are all on the take. I think that all the incumbents should be voted out to send them a message . Then elect people that have actually worked for a living instead of lawyers and politicians that have never done anything except run their mouth and tell people what they want to hear in order to fill their own pockets. Think about it. The majority of politicians are lawyers and a very important part of a lawyers schooling is learning to lie convincingly to people. Jesus Christ people, we have got to change this. Please help me in booting all these liars out of office and replacing them with people that have business experience..The best first step we can take is to elect Trump for president..
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