On Tuesday, the big story to break was the ghastly scandal at Planned Parenthood where a director was caught on camera offering body parts taken from partial-birth abortions.
It was fast breaking, far-reaching with mainstream media picking up the story quickly – Planned Parenthood even provided a response the same day.
hell he is inappropriate
Guess I have to say now that I do not expect anything good out of his mouth.
Totally unconscionable!!!
dirt ball
TRUTH : Obama is a Egomaniacal, anti-CHRIST, anti-WHITE, anti-AMERICA, antic-Semitic, anti-Cop, PRO-ISLAM JIHADIST.
Islam is SEDITIOUS (insubordination, insurrection, mutiny, treason, agitation, defiance, disobedience , dissent, insurgence, insurgency, revolt, revolution and uprising) against every nation and government on earth. Islam demands that all muslims work to overthrow all nations, governments and non-sharia laws.
This guy has no shame!
Pathetic psychopath dictator 18 trillion dollars n debt is nothing to respect or trust
It’s the Republican congress that controls the purse strings — NOT the President!!! Much of the debt is interest on loans made during Bush’s term, and his unfunded wars!!!
All are banker puppets as they NEVER talk about this. http://youtu.be/iFDe5kUUyT0
He is an evil man