The State Department is sending over 770 million in taxpayer funds overseas to re-build mosques. Investigations show how an ancient mud made mosque in Mali, received not only funds for re-furbishing, but also the US set up internet access for the Iman and other clerics. This, when Obama is calling out conservatives for refusing to balance his budget which actions show his plan not only will fund programs here domestically that need to be cut, but also, programs like rebuilding mosques in the middle east which he calls “a good will effort”.
more on tax dollars going to middle east next page
Of course. Obama Hillary the Muslim Brotherhood created the coup against Egypt. They hate her and Obama. Lt. Colonel Tony Shaffer said that the minister of defense told him that when he asked CIA Director John Brennan to help purge the rest of the Muslim Brotherhood from Egypt, John Brennan laughed in his face.
Exclusive — Egyptian Leaders Praise Donald Trump, Blast Hillary Clinton After President El-Sisi Meets with Both Candidates
NEW YORK CITY, New York — Members of the Egyptian delegation to the United Nations blasted Hillary Clinton just a day after Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi met with both Clinton and Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump. They also had high praise for Trump—and while not an official endorsement, it is a positive outcome for Trump’s first and only meeting with Muslim world leaders thus far.
Egyptian officials expressed frustration and outrage over the Obama administration’s support of the Muslim Brotherhood and expressed concern that a Clinton administration would continue to undermine Egyptian efforts to dismantle Brotherhood terrorists attempting to destabilize the democratically elected Egyptian government.
Ahmed Gad, a member of the Egyptian Parliament’s Foreign Relations Committee, told Breitbart News Tuesday night:
I think 90 percent of Egyptians would prefer Trump because he will not cooperate with terrorists. He [Trump] will not cooperate with Muslim Brothers and our main concern in Egypt now is terrorist attacks as you saw two days ago in the United States. We saw it daily in Egypt on the hands of Muslim Brothers so we know very well that Muslim Brothers are a terrorist group and we want to build up our democratic regime.
Many members of the Egyptian delegation spoke on the record exclusively with Breitbart News at an event to promote communication and unity between the United States and Egypt on Tuesday night. The event was organized by popular Egyptian media personality and host of American Pulse Dr. Michael Morgan, and featured several American foreign policy experts including representatives from the London Center for Policy Research and more than a hundred prominent Egyptians including members of parliament, leading media figures, government officials, and businessmen.
The Egyptian delegation interviews came as El-Sisi, in an interview with CNN, said that he has “no doubt” that Donald Trump would make a strong leader. El-Sisi also responded to a clip of Hillary Clinton accusing the Egyptian government of being “basically an army dictatorship,” during a debate with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. He said, in part, that “in Egypt there will not be a chance for any dictatorship because in Egypt there is a constitution, there is law, and there is the will of the people which will refuse to allow any leader to stay in his position for any period longer than his term which is four years.”
The fact that El-Sisi and those from the Egyptian delegation to the United Nations General Assembly here in New York City this week would speak so openly and positively about Trump—and so openly and negatively about Clinton—may surprise some. They are Muslim leaders and Egypt is perhaps one of the biggest and longest-standing Muslim nations in world history. Many establishment media outlets have painted Trump’s relationship with all Muslims as toxic, since he has expressed plans to temporarily ban Islamic migration into the United States. But El-Sisi, when asked about Trump’s proposed Muslim ban during his CNN interview, defended Trump.
“The United States in general conducts very strict security measures for everyone who wishes to visit it, which has been in place for quite a few years,” El-Sisi, the first Muslim world leader to meet with Trump, told CNN. “It’s also important to know that during election campaigns many statements are made and many things are said, however afterwards governing the country would be something different. And will be subject to many factors.”
El-Sisi expressed these same sentiments in other interviews with the Egyptian delegation to the U.N.G.A. this week. At Trump’s meeting with El-Sisi, retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn—the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for two years during the Obama administration—and U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) were also present.
Mr. Trump thanked President el-Sisi and the Egyptian people for what they have done in defense of their country and for the betterment of the world over the last few years. He expressed great respect for Egypt’s history and the important leadership role it has played in the Middle East. Mr. Trump expressed to President el-Sisi his strong support for Egypt’s war on terrorism, and how under a Trump Administration, the United States of America will be a loyal friend, not simply an ally, that Egypt can count on in the days and years ahead. Mr. Trump emphasized the strong partnership that the United States and Egypt have shared for so many years and how this relationship is vital to help promote peace and stability in the Middle East, broader region and the world. Mr. Trump also expressed his recognition of Egypt’s close relationship with Israel on countering terrorism.Mr. Trump highlighted how Egypt and the U.S. share a common enemy and the importance of working together in defeating radical Islamic terrorism, not only politically and militarily, but also addressing the ideology. Mr. Trump emphasized to President el-Sisi his high regard for peace-loving Muslims and understands that every day there are people of goodwill that sacrifice their lives and fortunes to combat the growing threat of radical Islamic terrorism. Mr. Trump said that if he were fortunate enough to win the election in November, he would invite President el-Sisi on an official visit to the United States and would be honored to visit Egypt and the Egyptian people who he has a great fondness for.
All the world’s a stage. If Russia defends their interests they are aggressors when we cause regime change and murder around the world we are preserving liberty. Russia is against the NWO there is a huge propaganda machine against Russia. The Clinton Foundation is the conduit for regime change around the world. This is why she is not in prison and they cannot have Trump become president. Trump will take down the whole government which is in collusion with the Clinton Foundation. If Hillary becomes President we enter World War III on the wrong side of the war. More and more email leaks and FOIA releases are proving this true. It is also heavily influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood in our Government. General William Boykin said, ” if you knew how much the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our Government it would frighten you.”
People are lazy and do not do the research. Your complacency will lead to your slavery.
Obama, Hillary, McCain, Muslim brotherhood Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey created the problem in Syria and built up ISIS to take out Assad. Pulitzer prize winner Seymour Hersch proves the gas attack on children in Syria was not done by Assad but part of the propaganda machine to get America into the war. Russia going into Syria is the only thing that stopped us now our aggression is leading to destruction. When Obama before the gas attack, approached his generals and told them he wanted to go into Syria, they practically laughed at him. They told him it would escalate out of control. Soon after generals who cannot agree with Obama started retiring in massive numbers. McCain illegally entered Syria through Turkey to organize the so called friends of Syria against Assad. FOIA releases prove the arming of these terrorists special forces members have spoken up about being fed up. They know they are training Al Qaida.. General Flynn validated the FOIA releases. Look at Senator Blacks report on Syria showing how the people support Assad in a war of outside aggressor s.
Syria being a non sharia government had some of the strongest human rights laws in the middle East. Before regime change it was a vacation hot spot for the middle East. The beaches looked like California. It was a mid East Riviera same with Libya. Our policies over fuel and control destroyed these countries.
ISIS was allowed to build in order to have a standing army against Assad. There is a huge propaganda machine operating in Syria. Look at the Center for Security Policy Benghazi reports.
Syria is all about running a natural gas pipeline through Syria that will benefit Europe, Qatar , Saudi Arabia Turkey…We are siding with the hard line sharia following Salifists Sunis. Russia is siding with the non sharia Assad. We are siding with the same group that took down the twin towers. The Center for Security Policy report said, at Benghazi we switched sides on the war on terror”. Why are we right and Russia wrong? We are in a working relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood to achieve the goal. Refer to Andrew McCarthy reports on Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of our Government. This guy is not a crack pot. He prosecuted the blind sheik in the 911 trials. Obviously our Government thought he was the right man for the job.
Obama, McCain, Nuland, NATO, set up regime change in the Ukraine to remove a Democratically elected pro Russian government in order to keep the cold world mentality and with NATO, install an anti Russian government so that offensive weapons could be set up against Russia. Obama admitted to involvement in the regime change.
They used right wing$#%&!@*s to cause insurrection. Before the insurrection polls showed overwhelming support for Russia. Russia is protecting its own people in the Ukraine. The pro Russian Ukrainian government did not want to sign onto the European trade agreements that unite with TPP to form the world trade and environmental courts… The world Bankers were not impressed.
What do you think Russia will do in order to protect its country it if knows there is a plot to put offensive weapons on its neighbors soil? The same thing we would do if our president was in the same position as Russia and actually had the interests of America at heart. How did we feel about the Cuban missile crisis? Russia countered with the Crimea…..think people. Stop being fed by the NWO PROPAGANDA MACHINE.
The Koran calls Muslims who do not follow sharia and fight for the goal of the world Caliphate hypocrites who should be killed and who will go to hell. We are supporting hard line salifists to take down the hypocrites.
Tunisia , Egypt, Libya, Syria…get the picture?
The Clinton foundation most likely the largest regime change and gun running operation in history, has contributed to untold suffering in incredible proportions. The Arab Spring was easy to run. It is part of the goal of sharia following Muslims to kill the hypocrites. Our government and CIA gave full support and is still doing so.
The Koran says that those who migrate for the cause of Allah receive the same reward in heaven as the mujahedeen the fighters. ISIS has created the migration that George Soros is pushing. Email releases show Soros controlling Hillary s foreign policy. How much money has Soros given to Hillary? This is all about the NWO trade agreements and how control is going to be established. Control comes through crisis response .The goal is despotism so that defeated sheep accept any shepherd. It started with destruction of the family and moral structure.
Civilization Jihad is crisis, police state and suppression through military force is crisis response. We are only a few years behind Europe in the process.
Stop the endless cycles of wars. Become energy independent and separate from the NWO. The trade agreements and psychological attacks established by the council on foreign relations and the Trilateral commission, are created to remove the concept of American exceptionalism. We just need to reverse the process.
If it is Hillary than it is war.
This is what this election is all about. I have been saying This for a year now. Now more and more info is coming out confirming it.This is why all of the elitist and media controlled by globalists money are attacking Trump.
This election is an end game for a huge part of the global government plan that Trump will wipe out. Hillary will pass TPP Her handlers will make sure of it.
“Sen. Sessions To Obama: Come Clean On Your Plans To Create Global Governance
n. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) has written a letter to Obama demanding that the President reveal to the public his plans for the creation of a “new transnational governance structure,” as Sessions puts it.
Senator Sessions is one of few Congressmen to stand up and demand more transparency on this sovereignty killing effort, now 10 years in the making. Most have sold themselves out for a paltry sum…
TPP is a trade deal, which Sessions states is more like a treaty, that Obama has been working on with 12 other countries in complete secrecy, and will now be rammed through Congress with fast track. The Trans-Pacific Partnership will completely gut the sovereignty of any nation who signs it…the obvious reason it’s being kept from public scrutiny.
The letter hones in on the new global governance, as Sessions calls it, that would be created by the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)—which would almost certainly be approved by Congress should the House of Representatives vote in favor of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) to fast track TPP and other trade deals. TPA, which passed the Senate a couple weeks ago, would ensure—barring some unforeseen development—the congressional approval of TPP, and collectively the two have become known as Obamatrade.
“The letter, which received no reply, asked several fundamental questions Congress ought to have answered before even considering whether to grant the executive such broad new powers,”Sessions wrote to Obama on Friday referencing his previous letter. “Among those, I asked that you make public the section of the TPP that creates a new transnational governance structure known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership Commission. The details of this new governance commission are extremely broad and have the earmarks of a nascent European Union, with many similarities.
“Reviewing the secret text, plus the secret guidance document that accompanies it, reveals that this new transnational commission – chartered with a ‘Living Agreement’ clause – would have the authority to amend the agreement after it’s adoption, to add new members, and to issue regulations impacting labor, immigration, environmental, and commercial policy.
“Under this new commission, the Sultan of Brunei would have an equal vote to that of the United States.”
The only way we have come to know of the contents of this treasonous piece of work is through Wikileaks, whose recently leak reveals that only a handful of the chapters have anything to do with trade at all, most are about creating that ‘New World Order’ that sold-out politicians lip smack over.
“The implications of this new Pacific Union are extraordinary and ought to be discussed in full, in public, before Congress even contemplates fast-tracking its creation and pre-surrendering its power to apply the constitutional two-thirds treaty vote,”Sessions wrote to Obama. “In effect, to adopt fast-track is to agree to remove the constitutional protections against the creation of global governance structures before those structures are even made public.
“I would therefore ask that you provide to me the legal and constitutional basis for keeping this information from the public and explain why I cannot share the details of what I have read with the American people. Congress should not even consider fast-tracking the transfer of sovereign power to a transnational structure before the details of that new structure are made fully available for public review.”
How much did it cost corporations to buy out our politicians for fast track? A disgustingly small amount – out of the total $1,148,971 given to congressmen, an average of only $17,676.48 was donated to each of the 65 ‘yea’votes. The more you sell your soul the less you have of it to sell.
f%$# punk a$s b@#ch i hate you,we are dying everyday from children on obamacare to old vets, who have more respect in their pinky then your whole soul,congress is fired for dereliction of duty,impeach this impostor..
I worry it might be to late. We need that animal out of the WH now.
The half has not been told what Obama is doing !!!!!
Bull$#%&!@* go over there your selves. Leave our boys and girls alone. They weren’t born for your abuse and entertainment !
Fuk tard is still giving them money
Should be jailed !