Obama has officially declared war on the Ebola virus and will send 3000 troops to the combat the disease in West Africa.
Yes, ISIS gets 475 troops sent and a virus gets 3000.
That’s 3000 more chances of bringing back this disease to US soil.
Click the link below to read more + watch video:
He is stupid.
Well now there’s a brilliant idea,,, Can’t use them on the border to stop illegals and terrorists, but send them into a disease ridden hell hole~
Where is his “coalition”, why is the Obama acting like a “cowboy” in regard to the Ebola scare??? Do you know a lot of the people who have died from Ebola have been healthcare workers??? How many American soldiers are going to come home in body bags from Lil’ Barry’s great adventure?
Are you aware that since DDT was Banned, around 2,000,000 Africans a year die from Malaria, why isn’t Obaaama concerned about them???
2000 thousand to there deaths to lessen the amount of Christians,send muslums u bastard.
Barack Obama is the Worst President in US History, and is thinning us out!
Maybe our Troops should refuse to go but then what would happen to them
He sends them to fight and now sends them to just die of ebola. Let’s all pray to God for help in stopping this man
Thats his plan to bring the disease here probably, Troops be extremely safe and careful or buck up and don’t go is what I say.. If enough of our troops stand together and refuse, not sure they could do much… obama and his cohortes don’t deserve to use our troops..
This man is a going concern…..too bad he can’t get things right !!