Obama has officially declared war on the Ebola virus and will send 3000 troops to the combat the disease in West Africa.
Yes, ISIS gets 475 troops sent and a virus gets 3000.
That’s 3000 more chances of bringing back this disease to US soil.
Click the link below to read more + watch video:
Part of his plan to destroy our country…pure evil like ISIS!
Obama= dumb ass
what the hell is he thinking?how does that even make any sense? they most likely contaminate us and besdes that what good are the troops going to do they’re not drs. ! he needs to go to hell!!
Why is the US sending troops? What happened to the UN or NATO sending manpower? So many things are wrong with this picture. Ebola can be caught by any one of those troops. This could be to the detriment of the US public especially if the infected US citizen is flown home to get medical treatment in the States.
This is a joke??
Yes Obama is destroing
nobody said he s the sharpest tool in the shed
I wish someone had the power to stop him. This seems absolutely diabolical.
Can we send obummer over there instead?
As far as I am concerned this is nothing more than putting more American lives at risk. He should be sent to west Africa and left there.