Obama has officially declared war on the Ebola virus and will send 3000 troops to the combat the disease in West Africa.
Yes, ISIS gets 475 troops sent and a virus gets 3000.
That’s 3000 more chances of bringing back this disease to US soil.
Click the link below to read more + watch video:
Why???? So troops are not at home to defend us from ISIS…..that he’s letting in the borders???
Have our congress men and women been paid healthy to allow all of this ??
He’s sending troops to fight ebola because ebola doesn’t shoot back… oblowme is a coward…
need troops at mexico border.
Or die from it over there thus weakening our Military even more.
Yabbecouse he wants them to come back an infect americans is all his terrist plot I bet he is isis’s secret.leader
He’s got to disarm us first and no one is that stupid with over a hundred million hunters in this country that might be a dauting task for any agency.
Why are we sending out troops for this purpose when we have laid them off by the thousands and are not getting ready to engage in all out war with ISIS? Obama, you must be kidding!
Damn Fool.
Note the country he sent them too why use our troops in another foreign country and expose them to the virus he has no respect for the military simply to make him self look good to his countrymen bring our troops home and secure our borders