Obama has officially declared war on the Ebola virus and will send 3000 troops to the combat the disease in West Africa.
Yes, ISIS gets 475 troops sent and a virus gets 3000.
That’s 3000 more chances of bringing back this disease to US soil.
Click the link below to read more + watch video:
He;s a friggin IDIOT–do what needs to be done or get the hell OUT
I’ve just about had it with this “pendejo”.
So the virus’ has weapons… Sounds more like he is sending them in to get infected and send them back here to kill us. But be certain NOT to do your job Obama and STOP your private military ISIS.
Obama is not stupid, he is America’s enemy. He is not a President but a traitor. No wonder he and Michelle think Americans are stupid because we think he is one of us as he does things to destroy America and build the enemy. Wake up and look at the facts of his Presidency.
hussein obama is a sick SOB!
Why not fix our border,
How ’bout they refuse to go? The need to be fighting ISIS, not ebola.
Boarders and our security mean nothing to him. Let’s just pray Ebola isn’t part of his plan …
no,no, NO!
How in the hell are troops going to combat Ebola? Or does he want them to bring it back home?