Ready for this? Obama’s Military Auction – all F16s to be sold to highest bidder.
Hey, ISIS, are you paying attention here? Iran, want to know what to do with those billions of dollars you are getting for developing a nuclear bomb?
Buy the top of the line F16 fighter plane, direct from the Obama Military Auction house. Read more, and get your bid in early on the next page.
Treason, again. As they create ways to daily keep racism alive in order to avoid people uniting, the real problems are kept a secret.
If true, that must be stopped
That picture is not an F16. That picture is of a Eurofighter if I am not mistaken.
Thats right give more to our enemies stupid asshole
He doesn’t have the authority.
Congress can put a stop to this. They act like highly paid welfare recipiants. They demand money for doing nothing.
Really, I hope Trump and Congress stop such sale
Mame the$#%&!@*
STOP the sale of these F16s now.
That ignorent moron doesn’t have the authority to sale anything. They belong to us.