Ready for this? Obama’s Military Auction – all F16s to be sold to highest bidder.
Hey, ISIS, are you paying attention here? Iran, want to know what to do with those billions of dollars you are getting for developing a nuclear bomb?
Buy the top of the line F16 fighter plane, direct from the Obama Military Auction house. Read more, and get your bid in early on the next page.
not if they want to keep their perks and pensions….
No it doesn’t, it just means its old news. People really don’t need to get all worked up over something that has already happened. There is enough going on.
Sell them to who?
He needs to be impeached.
Is there no way to get rid of him before january
He he having an emergency garage sale. He’s only got a short time left.
Congress must stop him now. ALL call congress and tell them to STOP the sale now.
His heart is making sure America is defenseless . He said it himself that he was a Muslim to the core
What President Obama should do is dump all these obsolete aircraft into Trumps lap and let him deal with them.