Ready for this? Obama’s Military Auction – all F16s to be sold to highest bidder.
Hey, ISIS, are you paying attention here? Iran, want to know what to do with those billions of dollars you are getting for developing a nuclear bomb?
Buy the top of the line F16 fighter plane, direct from the Obama Military Auction house. Read more, and get your bid in early on the next page.
So what you’re saying is that our legislation is allowing him to sell her stuff what the f***** wrong with you people stop him you idiots
He has been wanting to do this for about a year. We should not sell these planes and already the top Airforce and Army have said this too. I do believe OBAMA wants to get rid of America’s airplanes and what ever ASAP! He got rid of huge no. of other weapons already? Why the constant rush???
B******t article. Period. The US is not selling off any current military aircraft. Stop passing this trash on.
This does?$#%&!@*this isn’t nothing. What about all that uranium? Down sizing our nuke program and enlarging other countries programs.
They don’t belong to him. They belong to the tax payers.
You know what our goverment must approve of Obama’s action on all this corrupt stuff he’s doing . Or they could had him under lock and key by now. Never thought I would say……..I am not proud of how America has been so down graded!
Get out of here ! …that’s treason if he does that !! Arrest his$#%&!@*and.lock him up in Gitmo !
They cause global warming if we use them.. But it’s ok for other countries to fly them.. Makes sense ..
Well Putin said if Hillary wins we will have ww3. Guess he is making sure we lose .. Sorry to spoil your plans..
Stop arming our enemies you dumb$#%&!@*