Obama is subversive and will utilized any angle or person to steal the election. Loretta Lynch, Obama’s Department of Justice henchwoman, is helping groups like the NAACP and the League of Women Voters do just that by allowing non-citizens to vote.
These well-funded groups have filed a lawsuit on Lincoln’s birthday, February 12th, in a D.C. Federal Court, seeking a reversal of a recent decision by the the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC).
The EAC’s decision has allowed states like Arizona, Kansas and others to enforce state laws that ensure and maintain the integrity of the election process by only allowing citizens who are registered voters, to vote when they use a “federally designed voter form.”
Voting laws basically state:
- The Voting Rights Act one must be 18 years old to vote in a federal elections, however states may let its citizens vote in local and state elections below that age
- Most states restrict voting rights for convicted felons, but State laws do vary.
States under Federal Election Laws may include regulations and restriction as per their State Election Laws. The EAC, as states request, can include instruction with the federal form regarding that particular state’s requirements. In some states, proof of citizenship is a requirement and listed on that state’s federal form.
The State’s, according to Article I, sec. 2 and the 17th Amendment, are given the power to set the “Qualifications requisite for electors”. The Framers, in their concern for balanced power among the three branches of government, delegated this election power to the States.
Those on the left, who believe in a strong centralized government holding all the power, despise the fact that Sates have any power at all.
Read the rest of the election sabotage on the following page.
if they are not citizens and speak perfect English,they should not be allowed to vote,,screw you ovomit,he wants bilary sso he can get a seat on the un
Martial law
I agree
Teach jury nullification and stop this insane tyrannical government.
What else is new how do you think he won???
It’s nothing New Democrat party now days are nothing like the old democrat party. The democrats back then wouldn’t divide this country with race relations like the’s democrats do now. Specially what Bernie said when he was asked a question during the first debate. When they had video of someone asking question about what’s more important all lives matter or black lives matter. And Bernie said black lives matter no candidate should pick one race that’s important then the other all races matter. If you don’t believe it Bernie supporters look it up Google it Bernie saying only black lives matter and they have a video of. The old democrats that were running wouldn’t say black lives matter they would of said all lives matter not just one race. And Bernie supporters or the democrat party or their supporters don’t know anything about history at all. The democrat party is younger then the Republican Party. If wasn’t for the Republican Party you wouldn’t have the constitution if wasn’t for the Republican Party we would have slavery still. Democrat supporters say the republicans are war hungry and they always get us in wars and the republicans put us in the biggest war. Obviously the democrat supporters don’t know anything about history. Because democrats are the ones that put us in a war that a lot of people didn’t support and it was one of the bloodiest wars we ever had. And a democrat president had us in world wars a republican president never had us in world wars and every war we fought in or are still fighting in weren’t for no reason. We had reasons to be there I support every war that we ever have been in. And democrat supporters call republicans and their supporters racist really the democrats are the ones that wanted to keep slavery going and the democrat party had KKK members in it and the KKK support the democrat party. And this proves that democrats don’t really know American history. Obama said that Muslims were apart of our founding fathers and Muslims weren’t. So democrat supporters learn your history before talking c**p because yous look uneducated.
This why we went to war with Saddam before morons say we went there for no reason learn history before speaking
Everyone knows it is in the GOP’s best interest to get as little people to vote as possible because the more people that do vote the better chances of a Democratic win. Obstructionism is what the GOP does best, they can’t do their jobs but they make everything stop working. Stopping people from being able to cast their votes in Florida is what got GW a win over Al Gore the last time a Republican was President.
Blame it on the black man! He is the best President ever.
Go to you tube and watch,,,Laymen’s guide to Jury Nullification.