President Obama has a “bi-polar” problem. This week in Alaska the President advanced an aggressive effort to combat global warming while at the same time calling for new Coast Guard icebreakers that can be used all year in the polar regions.
Which is it Mr. President? Is there a growing ice issue or is it melting?
Read more on page 2.
Send him on vacation again!!!
I’ve got it…The ice is receding so you need more Ice Breakers to get thru the Ice that isn’t there. Perfect Liberal Logic….. Of course he is admitting that he is full of BS with this statement, and Climate change is just a ploy……. “Gotta get the ice breakers in place before the Climate changes again” – Perfectly Progressive
He says global warming is melting the ice, so why oder 2 more icebreakers, you can’t have it both ways numnuts.
We need to conserve water because of Global warming.
No the rain water off the roof is not yours either!!!
Thought it was all melting. These politicians are playing you for fools
Everything is sloppy, him, every Federal agency, every appointee to agencies, it’s just gross the amount of c**p we see daily. Just bumping crisis to crisis his entire presidency TOTAL nonsense ever time he opens his mouth! sigh
The guy is a real nut case !!!