President Obama has a “bi-polar” problem. This week in Alaska the President advanced an aggressive effort to combat global warming while at the same time calling for new Coast Guard icebreakers that can be used all year in the polar regions.
Which is it Mr. President? Is there a growing ice issue or is it melting?
Read more on page 2.
Obama not worth the powder to blow him to hell!
…instead of taking care of important business.
Barack INSANE obama!
this person IS the BIGGEST JOKE walking the face of the earth!
this is man made go Look up HARP
i mean the government is doing it man made
if the arctic ice won’t cooperate with mmgw, then obama hopes to break it up until he can say, “LOOK! It’s happening, just like I told you!”
Russia is ahead of us
2 ice breakers to 39 .