Barack Obama might be living on another planet.
Obama’s logic has gotten stranger and stranger since he has taken office. First, his views were appeared too liberal for America. Now, they seem to be rooted in different reality altogether.
The outgoing president has been highly critical of ‘fake news’ ever since Trump won the election. He even blamed the aforementioned sources for Trump’s victory. Which makes it all the more baffling that he seems perfectly comfortable making things up in order to promote his own administration. Obama cares about nothing more than his legacy, and that seemingly includes facts.
His latest lie is regarding crime in America. Obama claims that crime has plummeted since he took office. The numbers tell a very different story.
See what Obama said vs. what the FBI says on the next page:
This guy hasn’t been here for the last seven years.
Probably for him it is “historically” low! He and his family are protected 24/7 by some of the worlds best security people who carry some of the worlds best weapons.
Demented comment!
Historically high delusional level.
Muslim lies
You, moron, are the king of crime. We wanna see you hanged.
Tweaker ruined his brain!
OBUMMER just makes c**p up……he would have to….everything he says is a lie…..I get that being president is a high office and a high honor….but his opinion of himself goes beyond any achievement he has ever had.
Anyone who believes the$#%&!@*that comes out of his mouth is a blind sheep libtard