Barack Obama might be living on another planet.
Obama’s logic has gotten stranger and stranger since he has taken office. First, his views were appeared too liberal for America. Now, they seem to be rooted in different reality altogether.
The outgoing president has been highly critical of ‘fake news’ ever since Trump won the election. He even blamed the aforementioned sources for Trump’s victory. Which makes it all the more baffling that he seems perfectly comfortable making things up in order to promote his own administration. Obama cares about nothing more than his legacy, and that seemingly includes facts.
His latest lie is regarding crime in America. Obama claims that crime has plummeted since he took office. The numbers tell a very different story.
See what Obama said vs. what the FBI says on the next page:
I am so sick of seeing this IDIOT ON MY FACEBOOK NEWS FEED!!!!!! HE IS A SORRY EXCUSE FOR A PRESIDENT. CAN NOT EZIT FOR Donald Trump to become President!!!!
sne must be living in la-la land.
This happens when you live inside a house and stare at the mirror all day long!!
the know it all in chief has spoken…papa clueless..10 days and you are homeless you imposter
He’s an idiot
plain stupid…such an idiot…
He never was our President…he was our TRAITOR in Chief.
You got some mental problems that need to be addressed!!!!