The forces of globalism took it on the chin with the election of Donald Trump. Same thing with the Brexit vote. These are terrific things to see, and wonderful battles to win, but under no circumstances should anyone believe that the globalists are defeated or ready to just roll over and play dead. The correct position is to expect them to strike back.
The defeat of Hillary Clinton reduced the risk of World War III by preventing her from using the office of president to intensify her bellicose talk and threats of military action against Russia. Both she and our Peace Prize President seemed hell-bent on provoking Russia and Mr. Putin. This fits in well with the neocon obsession left over from the George W. Bush administration that sought to maintain US hegemony over the whole world, even if it meant war.
Evidence that the forces of globalism have not been defeated can be seen in Mr. Obama’s farewell tour of the world. More on page two.
Obama has nearly destroyed America please god let him be gone.
Oblammer might be right about that. But isn’t that what you have been pushing for the last 8 years. I hope to never see another liberal idiot such as you be elected to any government position . My only hope is the country can recover from all that you have done
I think this Sob will try n stay in office,I really do Bobbi!!!!
At least not until you out of the white house, just can’t taake any more of you or your family
I rather be considered Crude and speak English than to be in one of your muslim socialist prison speaking Spanish
His wish forever! Snuff him Trump!
Just as you want it… THE$#%&!@*in Chief and his legacy of Lies and Failures !
What an$#%&!@*even to the END of WORST PRESIDENT EVER TO BE now and in the future