The White House recently responded to the online petition to demand the release of U.S.M.C. Sgt. Tahmooressi, still sitting in a Mexican prison after 5 months and being completely ignored by his Commander In Chief.
As expected, Obama still refuses to do anything to help our Marine.
The U.S. State Department continues to provide extensive consular assistance to Mr. Tahmooressi, and will do so until his case is resolved. As in all cases when a U.S. citizen is arrested overseas, our goal is to see that Mr. Tahmooressi is treated fairly during the judicial process with the hope that he can receive the support, both emotional and medical, that he may require now and at the conclusion of the proceedings.
Mexico is one of the United States’ most important partners. We have close economic and cultural ties, and we work closely with them on numerous sensitive issues. While we will not go into detail about our private diplomatic discussions on this case, U.S. officials, including Secretary of State John Kerry, have spoken to Mexican officials at the highest levels regarding Mr. Tahmooressi’s case.
Mexican authorities have been very willing to engage on this issue. They have provided prompt and continued consular access and visitations. As a result, the State Department has been able to provide regular updates on Mr. Tahmooressi’s condition to his family, Members of Congress, and the press.
We respect the rule of law and expect the judicial process of sovereign nations to protect other U.S. citizens who might find themselves in similar circumstances in the future. We will continue to monitor the case and work with the Mexican authorities as this case proceeds through the Mexican judicial system. We continue to urge the Mexican authorities to process this case expeditiously.
Of course this is all complete BS. Obama could simply demand the release of our Marine at any time. We gave Mexico $265 million in aid in 2013, and we can’t demand they help close the border and give us back our Marine?
“Private diplomatic discussions’? Of this I’m sure, Obama doesn’t want you to hear his private conversations where he tells his subordinates “We might do something about it next year.”
“We respect the rule of law” Uh, now is not the time to make jokes!
Sgt. Tahmooressi served his country honorably with 2 tours in Afghanistan and has been diagnosed with PTSD. He is now flat broke, having spent all his money on lawyers.
The Leathernecks Marine Corp Motorcycle Club of Central Florida is rallying to raise money to help Tahmooressi:
If you would like to donate to the legal fund to help our Marine, go to:
To share your discontent at Obama’s response to this petition, go to:
It is time for Americans to act, off with Obama
Why is Obama still in office?
What a worhless piece of $#%&!@*. Obama.
Time to end petitions and kick some ass.
This is soooo wrong, I agree with Chuck.
Agree Rich Graham
Someone needs to bring this marine home!
Now the 2nd American journalists has been be-headed by ISIS-don’t worry Obama is STILL thinking about what to do. State Dept still will not say that ISIS in war against US – when will they get it??
Obama weak & calm when talking about Putin or ISIS but is angry over Israel. Once again he is against our Allies but not those that kill 1,000’s or invade another country. All because they made a comment about Kerry.
*Now we know that Obama received a briefing on ISIS over a year ago & did NOTHING
**Now we are finding out that DHS has lost trace on 6,000 people here on student visa who have over stayed
***How much more can we take?
**Lerner e-mail Reveals Lois Lerner Ignored Political Expenditures By Unions-how much more are we to find out that she did before we do something to her. She is still being paid after all we know. WHY?
**IRS Lerner’s Blackberry was intentionally destroyed after Congress had begun its probe into IRS targeting of conservative groups, a senior IRS lawyer acknowledged in a sworn declaration. Sadly, this has become standard operating procedure for the Obama administration. Delay. Derail. Deceive.”
Obama off to meet with world leaders – will he actually see that they are not fooled by his LIES. He will be all smiles thinking that he is the smartest in the room
Putin reminds everyone that he has Nukes. Now has 1,000 Russian soldiers in Ukraine & what does Obama say-NOTHING
**anyone want to ask if when Obama told Putin he would be more flexible after the election is the reason Obama refuses to help Ukraine?
Obama says when asked about acting with out Congress “It is my job to protect the American people & when our people or 1 of our embassies is in danger – I have to act immediately” So I ask – WHAT ABOUT BENGHAZI?
Obama threatens to go around Congress with global warming.
Obama threatens to give amnesty to millions
Is this proof that all Obama is doing is trying to get Republicans to do something that will cause them problems? Showing that he doesn’t know what he is doing & that he doesn’t care what happens to America in the process.
**IRS Lerner’s Blackberry was intentionally destroyed after Congress had begun its probe into IRS targeting of conservative groups, a senior IRS lawyer acknowledged in a sworn declaration. Sadly, this has become standard operating procedure for the Obama administration. Delay. Derail. Deceive.”
***Here is what I say about Obama – You can put a suit on a community organizer but that doesn’t make you a President.
Obama says about ISIS-You can put on a Laker uniform but that doesn’t make you Koby Brant.
GAO now says that Obama broke the law when they traded for Berghdal & that they also broke law by using fund that were not available – $1 million
So they aren’t worried about America’s open borders & immigration-Dempsey says that those in EU have to be worried about ISIS due to their open borders & immigration.
Obama speaks on beheading & what did we get once again. No FIRE – is there anything that would get him to actually act as if he gave a damn? ISIS just beheaded an American journalists as they say they will do it again.
Those that came to this country the legal way & they aren’t happy about all the illegals that may be getting a free pass.
Millennium’s are losing faith in Obama at alarming rate.
WHO is going to get hurt if Obama uses exec order to give work visa’s to some 100,000.Let’s see that would be low & middle class that will now have to compete for those jobs. WHO is going to make sure that these 100,000 actually get work & pay taxes?
This from Obama
-on Ukraine-we will wait & see what happens
-on Gaza-what HAMAS has done is irresponsible-as usual-weak statement.
-O tells other countries to be transparent-Obama is least transparent & he tells others to be transparent. JOKE
-on Syria-O did nothing & killing are still going on
-on Libya-O got rid of Gaddafi & then country fell apart
-on Iran-O still negotiating with Iran while they are supplying Hamas with weapons
-on Iraq-O pulled out then Iran stepped in & country fell apart-all while we are still negotiating with Iran
Listening to Dem’s going on & on about the CHILDREN – THEY ARE NOT ALL CHILDREN. Question-WHY is NO ONE talking about the 2/3 of these crossing our border that are not children. 178,000-YES-that is the # of illegals that have come since Oct 2013. WHY is no one talking about the 118,000 that are not children? Intelligence report: 90% of the illegal children interviewed state they are not fleeing violence; they are coming because they were told they would get amnesty.
Update on IRS lost e-mails – now 1 IS persons has told us that hard drive had deep gashes on it. So they didn’t crash
-CIA caught spying on Senate & Dem’s not happy. Pheiffer says Brennan is a man of great integrity-in other words he does what Obama ask him to do.
-IRS we now have e-mail from Lerner showing her calling conservatives A..holes & crazies. Time to charge Lerner.
-IRS says now that they have found back-up tapes & are looking for Lerner e-mails-Is this another LIE from IRS?
-Fed courts say those using Obamacare that only those in state exchanges are allowed subsidies
-Another courts say all states are allowed subsidies
-9/11 Commission say that we are LESS safe now than before 9/11
-Benghazi report now says that they ask for extra security prior to attack when they learned that terrorists moved in right next door but State dept says they didn’t want to upset neighbors
-We now find out that Kerry released half of $$’s being held under sanctions back to Iran just to keep working on the deal.
-Story Bergdahl’s health. They now say he was tortured-of course he was-would you trust a deserter?
-Hagel says that they didn’t negotiating w/terrorists they negotiated w/Qatar. DO THEY THINK WE ARE ALL STUPID?
-Obama admin are saying those that were actually there when Bergdahl deserted are LYING.
Obama says that we never leave a man behind. Guess he has forgotten about Benghazi.
Anything reported–Obama says that he didn’t know.
Again we ask–What the hell does Obama know? Plausible Deni ability
Fast & Furious–Obama didn’t know-courts now say they must turn over documents-we will hold our breath for that 1.
Benghazi–Obama didn’t know-now documents show that Obama & Clinton LIED about the attack & Morrell gave St Dept cover. We also know that he was not in the situation room that night. All on ground said terrorists attack. CIA chose to listen to analyst in DC instead.
IRS–Obama didn’t know-now calling it a media scandal. DOJ says NO charges
NSA–Obama didn’t know
Obamacare not working–Obama didn’t know- Obama said he was not told DIRECTLY now there is a memo showing the White house was told 1 week prior to roll out of issues.
OH NO – not again. Obama admin admitted that it has lost emails from the key official who oversaw the botched Obamacare roll out last year
Going after AP & FOX reporters phone records because they were reporting things that Obama didn’t want known – Obama didn’t know
ICE reports 36,000 illegals released last year & 1,000’s have criminal records-even rape & murder.
70% of VA facilities used secret waiting list. In 2011 they started the bonus program.
VA scandal They say Obama found out reading newspaper but Obama & Biden were told 5 years ago that VA was inaccurately report wait times.
Obama always says he will get to the bottom of it & then what do we see–NOTHING. Obama continues to say “We will bring those responsible to justice”. And what have we seen – NO ONE held accountable.
By the way-this is 1 woman that does not support Obama or anything that he stands for! We will get the truth 1 day. My motto:”I WILL NOT COMPLY!” So I will sing my song until he is gone.. Please enjoy & start learning the words.
No we need to stand together an protest .against our SO called leaders an government and take back our country .amen
Obama Does Not Like The Military, like he does Not Like America