Obama has officially requested $3.7 billion in emergency funds for the border crisis with $1.6 billion going to the DOJ and DHS, $1.8 billion for Health and Human Services and $300 million for the State Department.
Obama caused this crisis and did so intentionally. We have proof that this was a planned event that was prepared for at least as early as this past January. We’ve even had a border agent defy gag orders to expose this as an intended operation.
Now Obama will flood federal agencies with cash in order to beef them up with more personnel, arms and paramilitary units. Very little of this money will be used to actually handle the crisis – these illegals are here to stay.
“Today, I ask the Congress to consider the enclosed emergency supplemental appropriations request. . .to comprehensively address this urgent humanitarian situation,” President Obama said in a letter to House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio).
The administration’s comprehensive strategy represents a “super-aggressive deterrence and enforcement strategy,” a senior administration official told reporters, speaking on a conference call on condition of anonymity to provide more details.
The request also will include an additional $615 million to help the federal government fight wildfires.
Administration officials had previously said that they would be requesting more than $2 billion to help stem the recent surge of women and children from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. More than 52,000 unaccompanied minors and 39,000 women with children have been apprehended on the southern border this year, far more than in past years.
A deer in headlights, yes siree.
He caused this and now he wants money to fix it. Enough is enough sign my petition to impeach the scum Muslim liar Obama http://www.thepetitionsite.com/860/901/608/demand-the-impeachment-of-the-president-of-the-united-states/
Stop giving this $#%&!@*head money!!! How many times will we, as a people, do this dumb $#%&!@* before we stop paying taxes? Shut him down!!!
The original emigrants were not here to be taken care of, they came from oppressive religious monoliths, they came here and worked, and did not expect a free ride. Until FDR, people worked for their success and were allowed to fail or succeed based upon their own will and motivation. There will always be poor In society, but the poor of yester year and the poor of other countries pales in comparison to the entitlement mentality of today. People come for free stuff provided by our government, not the hope for self sacrifice success. Being a Christian has nothing to do with country sovereignty, we cannot take care of the whole world, charity begins at home, and we have plenty of needy here. Why should we give up our sovereignty for inhumane illegal human trafficking, that burdens our. Fragile system. If you would like, please feel free to collect some of these so called refugees and feel free to take them in and feed and shelter them and take care of them, otherwise you are a hypocrite
Stupid is as stupid does.
Country for sure will be broke when he out. Why do they keep giving him the money.
I wonder, how come someone aint killed that pos yet?? I can’t figure it out !!
What is another fast and furious he needs the money for
To put in his pocket.