Obama has officially requested $3.7 billion in emergency funds for the border crisis with $1.6 billion going to the DOJ and DHS, $1.8 billion for Health and Human Services and $300 million for the State Department.
Obama caused this crisis and did so intentionally. We have proof that this was a planned event that was prepared for at least as early as this past January. We’ve even had a border agent defy gag orders to expose this as an intended operation.
Now Obama will flood federal agencies with cash in order to beef them up with more personnel, arms and paramilitary units. Very little of this money will be used to actually handle the crisis – these illegals are here to stay.
“Today, I ask the Congress to consider the enclosed emergency supplemental appropriations request. . .to comprehensively address this urgent humanitarian situation,” President Obama said in a letter to House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio).
The administration’s comprehensive strategy represents a “super-aggressive deterrence and enforcement strategy,” a senior administration official told reporters, speaking on a conference call on condition of anonymity to provide more details.
The request also will include an additional $615 million to help the federal government fight wildfires.
Administration officials had previously said that they would be requesting more than $2 billion to help stem the recent surge of women and children from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. More than 52,000 unaccompanied minors and 39,000 women with children have been apprehended on the southern border this year, far more than in past years.
Screw obamy
Stay the $#%&!@* out of Texas with your Nazis,Caliph Obozo. We’re handling the problem
He needs to be STOPPED in his tracks….SAY NO CONGRESS…DEFUND HIM !
we ain’t got it your wife spent all the money on vacations!
President Obama must have lost his pen and disconnected his phone when it comes to the border crisis or does his pen and phone only work when he wants to implement his own communistic agenda. President Obama could easily have passed an immigration bill during the first two years of his Presidency when Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress. Instead, Obama did absolutely nothing and now tries to blame House Republicans for not passing his my-way-or-the-highway immigration bill when Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader would not allow a vote on any of the House Republican immigration bills that were sent to the Senate. Why does President Obama not blame Harry Reid and Senate Democrats for not allowing a vote on immigration bills that have already been passed by the House?
America would not be experiencing the current border crisis that was created by President Obama and recently endorsed by Nancy Pelosi if a fence, that had already been approved and funded by Congress had been built, if Brack Obama, President and head of the Executive Branch had been doing his sworn Constitutional duty, and if Eric Holder, Attorney General, had been enforcing the immigration laws of the United States.
An American border security plan has to be a necessary first step before any preliminary type of immigration reform. This could be accomplished by building the fence as Charles Krauthammer has suggested.
Border security could be enhanced by backing the fence with small forts built along our border and utilizing them as “guard dog” staging units with American troops supported with actual guard dogs and handlers deployed with American troops along mobile bivouac areas to protect our border. This method was proved successful during the Cold War with the USSR and could also be used to provide further training of our national guard or as advanced training for elite infantry soldiers graduating from basic training.
To assure maximum cooperation, a bounty needs to be paid to the arresting personnel and any illegal immigrants caught entering America would then be returned to their native country and their native country billed for the total repatriation expense. Failure to pay the repatriation expense would result in restricted trade with that country and a tariff placed on imported goods from that country until the repatriation expenses are paid in full. Joint military exercises with Mexico could further secure our border.
Bill O’Reilly presented a good plan for eligible illegal immigrants already in America to register and be placed on a step by step program that will eventually lead to citizenship.
A secure Mexican border could ultimately save billions of dollars in drug related expenses alone. America would be a lot safer from terrorist and we would not have the additional monetary problems that the influx of illegal immigration has created.
Why would President Obama, who is the Commander-In-Chief of our armed forces, support an “open borders” policy toward illegal immigration and why would Eric Holder refuse to enforce illegal immigration laws that would make America safer unless they have an ulterior motive. To leave America’s border vulnerable to terrorism is a very strange Presidential decision, very strange indeed unless you understand Obama’s Weather Underground mentality used to introduce hocus-pocus, slight-of-mind, hogwash gimmickry to conceal his failed economic, foreign, and immigration polices while he achieves his personal agenda, signs more illegal executive orders, rehashes the immigration argument in time for the midterm elections, and tries to blames Republicans for something he could have accomplished easily during the first two years of his Presidency.
President Obama does not understand that proper enforcement that protects our borders needs to be implemented before terrorists enter America illegally and destroy an entire city, perhaps your city.
that is the look of total befuddlement and resignation ! its like ”I don’t know what to do but I got to do something” if he hasn’t done his job by stepping on the Mexican governments neck 4 yrs ago to stop this invasion what is money going to do now BS
use the money that you need to pay back for your frivolous vacations you traitor!