Department of Defense policy prohibits military personnel from carrying arms in recruitment centers.
This only helped jihadist Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez kill four Marines and a sailor at the Armed Forces Career Center and a naval reserve center in Chattanooga, Tennessee this month.
DOD spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis stated on Thursday that the Pentagon still intends to maintain this policy. “We do not support arming all military personnel for a variety of reasons,” Davis stated. “(There are) safety concerns, the prohibitive cost for use-of-force and weapons training, qualification costs as well as compliance with multiple weapons-training laws.”
The Obama administration continues to leave our military as sitting ducks.
And, it gets worse…
And I also wonder how come of all the laws that he has already broken and the Congress knows about them why is he still in there evidently he must be paying them off to
He is a traitor!!!!!!!
what a jerk in chief !
He has fired all of the military leaders who might oppose him and has his own people in there now!
We need protection for our military and if we do not get it this man should GO.
What does any of this post have to do with the subject at hand!?!?
He should have been Hung for Treason long ago, but he is still in office!!
Well, No time like the Present!!
Need to change the signs from Military Installation to Open Season on unarmed Military Personel,soon under Barry,they wont be able to bring a Knife,in a gun battle,Way to go Barry,keep on neutering our Military!
Did they not receive weapons training in basic training?
take his guards away,too.