Department of Defense policy prohibits military personnel from carrying arms in recruitment centers.
This only helped jihadist Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez kill four Marines and a sailor at the Armed Forces Career Center and a naval reserve center in Chattanooga, Tennessee this month.
DOD spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis stated on Thursday that the Pentagon still intends to maintain this policy. “We do not support arming all military personnel for a variety of reasons,” Davis stated. “(There are) safety concerns, the prohibitive cost for use-of-force and weapons training, qualification costs as well as compliance with multiple weapons-training laws.”
The Obama administration continues to leave our military as sitting ducks.
And, it gets worse…
Islam Sucks! Obama is pushing for it to be illegal for anyone to say Islam sucks! My answer to that is Obama sucks, Islam Sucks, Liberals/DEMOCRATS suck, the Pope Sucks, RINOS Suck, Boehner and McConnell Sucks. Michelle/Michael definitely Sucks (cough, cough), New Black Panthers Suck, Muslim Brotherhood Sucks, Jarrett Sucks, Rice Sucks, Al Sharpton Sucks, Jesse Jackson Sucks, Nancy Pelosi Sucks, John Kerry Sucks, Main Stream Media Sucks! In case you do not get my point I will repeat it for you and Obama’s sake so you understand how I feel. Obama sucks, Islam Sucks, Liberals suck, the Pope Sucks, RINOS Suck, Boehner and McConnell Sucks. Michelle/Michael definitely Sucks (cough, cough), New Black Panthers Suck, Muslim Brotherhood Sucks, Jarrett Sucks, Rice Sucks, Al Sharpton Sucks, Jesse Jackson Sucks, Nancy Pelosi Sucks, John Kerry Sucks, Main Stream Media Sucks! In case you do not get my point I will repeat it for you and Obama’s sake so you understand how I feel. Let me sum it up for you moslems Suck, Islam Sucks, anyone who follows Mohammad is a Sucker! HOPE I DIDN’T LEAVE ANY SUCKERS OUT. LATE ADD ON, 2 OF THE BIGGEST SUCK ERS BILL & HILLARY CLINTON!
My heart goes out to each and every one of my brothers and sisters that have to serve under this sorry excuse for a commander in chief .
God, we can’t get rid of Obama soon enough!
why dont you get rid of that man you call a president, hes as useless as a bag of air.
This is one of the stupidest statement we have heard!! What costs???? All military undergo small arms training in boot camp and many more have much more training. What bs. Believe that and we have a bridge to sell you. We are USN Retired, Submarine Service.
Everthing about obama is unacceptable
If he’s not going to take care of our military then why pay someone to take care of that coward let his Muslim Brotherhood take care of him. Senate and House should be taking care of the military and quit playing politics with our country maybe it’s time for a third party it’s definitely time for term limits
took him a long time to get to that like he wanted.
This man should take a long walk down a short pier. Maybe the water would activate what is left of what little common sense he has left.