Department of Defense policy prohibits military personnel from carrying arms in recruitment centers.
This only helped jihadist Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez kill four Marines and a sailor at the Armed Forces Career Center and a naval reserve center in Chattanooga, Tennessee this month.
DOD spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis stated on Thursday that the Pentagon still intends to maintain this policy. “We do not support arming all military personnel for a variety of reasons,” Davis stated. “(There are) safety concerns, the prohibitive cost for use-of-force and weapons training, qualification costs as well as compliance with multiple weapons-training laws.”
The Obama administration continues to leave our military as sitting ducks.
And, it gets worse…
How about removing his secret service protection and see how he like that!
Worthless creep.
Can’t wait until 2016 to end this SATANS work!!!
I’m not surprised
hes gay
Oh gosh!!! We are on our own now. We must built our own armies against him!!!!
How would barry like it if he wasn’tt protected???
The faces of those behind him tell the whole story’ We need to remove the protection for Obama.
He removes it, but we the people will stand watch over our man and women in the military, ALWAYS FAITHFUL! G_D bless America.
How can have the gall to even face the military when he treats them like second cl$#%&!@* citizens. He’s a liar and a traitor.